Red envelope

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Ethan's POV

Being back home was amazing, I had a shower got dressed and got in bed. It wasn't night time I just wanted to lye down.
" Yeah Mum?"
" I'm going to work they just called me"
" Okay Mum" And with that the door closes. I huff and sit up, I didn't know what to do. I rub my eyes and get up going down the stairs. I sit down and open Netflix, I go to my account since Grayson doesn't use his, I open vampire diaries and watch it.

Grayson's POV

" Dad?"
" Yes Dylan?"
" Could you open Netflix so we can watch something?"
I smile at him and open Netflix, I search for a movie.
" How about this one?"
He nods his head
As I press play it didn't open, in fact someone else was using the account, I frown my eyebrows and try again which still didn't open. Who could be using the account? Was it Cameron? It couldn't be because she doesn't watch anything. Could it be Mum? Well, why would she wanna watch vampire diaries from season 8?
" Dylan it isn't working, we'll try after"
Dylan nods his head and goes upstairs.

Ethan's POV

Ugh! I just finished vampire diaries. It was good to catch up on. I close Netflix and sit down looking around the living room, I get up and walk about. Everything looked the same, nothing has changed, but something red caught  my eyes. It was on the table, a red envelope. I walk up to it and hold it in my hands. Hopefully mum wouldn't mind if I look. I turn the envelope and I see it, it said ' Hannah & Aaron'. What the hell! I quickly open the envelope and there was a card in it, I get it out.
" Hannah and Aaron" I mumble
It was a card invitation to there....
" Wedding?" I whisper
I grip on the card and squeeze it in my hands. My vision went blurry. How could she do this? How did she forget about me... about us? A tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it off. I put the card back inside the envelope and leave the house. I needed fresh air, I go the the woods and sit on the cliffs. I look around me. Everything looked calm, then a bird approaches next to me.
" Hi bird" I say and swing my legs
" Your lucky, you don't have any problems, unlike me" I say and chuckle
" Is it weird that I'm talking to you right now? If someone was here they'll think I'm crazy"
The bird didn't do anything, it wasn't like I was waiting for the bird to talk to me. I look at the view, the sky was amazing, everything was amazing.

I sat there for nearly 1 hour, the bird flew away and I was still there sitting down. I got up, as I walking to home it got a bit cold, and it started raining, I put my hands in my pocket and ran home.

He found out well.... what will happen next?

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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now