Alive or dead?

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You guys will be shocked af right now, it's because....

Ethan's POV...............................

I couldn't breath in here and why was I inside a bag? All I New I was inside a car, I think? Well luckily the zipper was a bit open, I winced from the pain that was hurting on my arm, I slowly opened the bag, and I frowned my eyebrows. Why the hell was I inside a ambulance car, and then it hit me.
That dick tried killing me,Jake...Jake Paul. He new where I was because he sent one of his mans to follow me, if Jake know's how to play his games I guess I know how to play my games. I slowly got out from the bag, and sat up, my whole entire body was hurting like a bitch, thanks Jake.
I could feel a smirk appearing on my face, I was so ready to play this game.

Escaping from the car

I quickly ran into forest, leaving the wrecked car there, I just caused a car crash. Well they died except me, technically I was dead but I guess I wasn't ready for my death. I stopped in the middle of nowhere not knowing where I was, I put my hand in my pocket and I got out my phone, luckily they didn't take that out yet. I took out my sim card and threw it away and threw my phone into the lake. I looked behind me and started running.
I felt good, I didn't feel like telling Grayson or Hannah I was alive, I couldn't care. Hannah was in the car I know and she was in the car with the snake ( AKA JAKE PAUL) she wasn't bothered to stop him.... that bitch. I would of done everything to save her if the same shit was going to happen to her. I stopped when I realised I was standing near the road, not one single car was passing by. I walked about 5 minutes and saw a bar, I entered into it and looked down just in case someone recognised me, but luckily no one did.

" Hey there can I use the phone please?" I asked the bar tender

" Yeah sure" he said and handed me the phone. How could he trust me? I dialled Hannah's phone number. I went to the corner to make sure she wouldn't be able to hear the music that was playing in the background. She then answered.

" Hello?" She said, she sniffed, was she crying?

" Hello?" She said again

I didn't say nothing.

" Get ready" I said in a deep deep voice

" What?" She asked

I then shut the phone to her face. Put my head down and gave the man his phone and walked out.

You guys are confused probably right now, why I didn't call Grayson or Hannah or anyone else that I was still alive. I didn't care I guess they can think I'm dead when I'm just causally walking down the road. I needed to do something cause I didn't feel like showing myself right now to anyone.... you wanna know why? I want to get revenge from everyone. Even my brother, my girlfriend, Grayson's wife and there child.

This is gonna be fun.

Y'all thought E Tee Wee Tee was dead. Nah uh! His alive but his going to be a evil character.His characters changing from:
- Goody two shoes
- Evil baddy boy Ethan

Enjoy guys! Don't forget to vote and comment for the next chapter❤️.

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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now