Lexie the who?

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I was waiting for the bitch Lexie at the airport, she fucking takes forever.
While I was waiting for her I put on my tune ' All eyes on me'.

" AND LET THESE DEVILS BE SORRY FOR THE DAY THEY FINALLY FREED ME!" I sang out loud, I got my phone out and got a text from Lexie saying she was lost, what the fuck!

I put the volume down and got out from my car, I locked it and walked inside the airport.

" LEXIE!" I shouted out loud, and made everyone look at me.

" LEXIE! FUCKING HOE WHERE ARE YOU!" I put my hand inside my pants and walked like a road man.

" LEXIE YOU SLUT!" I shouted, everyone was giving me a ' What the hell face?'

What, as I mouthed to a couple that was looking at me.


I turn around to see her, we ran like crazy people and hugged each other.

" Wassupppppp" we both said

We walked back to my car, I threw her bags and luggages at the back.

" How have you been?" I asked her, I started the car and drove off.

" Well you know" she said lighting a cigar " Giving heads to people" she said

" You slut" I said

She laughed, and changed the music.

" Fucking idiot leave that on" I said changing it back to all eyes on me

Lexie rolled her eyes and inhaled her cigar too much she started choking on it.

" Are you okay?" I asked while patting her back hard enough and the other hand driving.

Lexie couldn't breath. She got water out off her bag and drank it.

" That's what happens if you give too much heads" I said

Lexie looked at me and glared.


We got home, Lexie threw her belongings on the floor.

" You dumb?" I said as I sat on the couch.

" Yeah" Lexie said and sat beside me

I checked my phone and saw I got a message from Alex and Grayson.

" The fuck do these people want?" I said as I read the messages.

Alex: Sleep early, we're going to pick up Ethan and Hannah at the airport.

Smalldickgrayson: Be here at 6 in the morning.

I huffed and put my phone on the table. I looked at Lexie who completely looked like a slut.

" So, Lexie what do you want to do?"

She looked at me and got out Cocaine from her pocket. How did she not get caught at the airport?

" Light it for me" I said while holding the paper up " Ayee" I said and she lit it.
" I haven't been doing this shit for ages" I said as Lexie lit hers.

We both got high.
Lexie was telling me something that wasn't even funny and we both laughed.

I checked the time which was already 2.

Well, who gives a shit about the time.

Well hopefully Aroosa you'll get up early. 😂This chapter made me laugh because I know these people and it's something they will do. Enjoy, vote and comment.

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now