Hanging out

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I get up by the sun hitting my eye. I try to get up but Aaron's arm was around my waist, holding tighter to my grip.
" Aaron?"
" Hmm"
" I need to get up"
" I don't want you too"
" Please Aaron?"
He opens one eye and let's go off my waist, I get up sitting on the edge of the bed checking my phone. Today I was meeting Leyla, I haven't seen her for a long time.

I get up making my way to the bathroom, I do all the business in there and then get out. I grab my clothes and get changed.

" Already comfortable?"

I turn around smiling at him.
He gets up from bed and shakes his arms around my waist kissing the back of my neck, I giggle.

" I'm done so I need to leave now" I say turning around

" You look beautiful" he says

I kiss him on the lips

" Bye"

" Bye babes"

I go downstairs and eat an apple. Then I get a message.

Leyla💕 I'm out here xx

I put my phone behind my back pocket and leave.

" Hannah!" She shouts running to me
We both hug

" How have you been?"
" I've been good what about you?"
" Not to bad"

We get inside the car.
As we arrive to the mall, we walk into the first shop we see and run around to different sections.

" Is this nice?" She asks me

" To bright look for a different colour"

I was looking at this white top that had a little flower near the breast.
I pick it up and put it inside the trolly.

" This?"

" Yep that looks nice"

She throws it inside the trolly.
We get all clothing stuff then we go to the food section.
" Lets go pig out" I say and I push the trolly while running. " Hey wait for me!" Leyla shouts and runs after me

We grab all kind of things we both like.
Crips, cookie, drink, sweets, chocolate. As we stop to catch our breaths Leyla looks inside the trolly furrowing her eyebrows " We forgot something" she says looking up at me, " What is it?" I Ask, she shrugs her shoulders, " Oh my gosh we forgot ice cream" she shouts, we run to the ice cream section and grab like 10 packets of ice cream.

At the cafe

" At least you dropped them off home" I say drinking my coffee

" Yeah" Leyla says

After when we shopped, Leyla said that we should take the ice creams home since we was going to be out for a while, so Leyla went home to drop them off while I waited for her in the coffee shop.

" So you was going to tell me something" Leyla asks wiggling her eyebrows

" So basically yesterday Aaron and I went out to a restaurant and he...." I slow motion off

" he?" Leyla says

" He said he loves me" I said

" Oh my gosh" she says " Did He Ask you out?"

" Well.... he did after when we got inside the car" I said and laughed

" Why didn't he say it before?"

" He was to shy and nervous and he didn't have the guts" I say

We both laugh.

" So How is everything at..." I say

" It's going good at the moment, sometimes Alex wakes up in the middle off the night running to Dylan's room but when she doesn't see him there she breaks down and then me and Grayson comfort her"

I nod my head.

" And Grayson used to come home drunk cause of all off this" she says " But his fine now"

" Wait, why doesn't he upload anymore on YouTube?"

" He said he can't run a channel by himself, and he isn't that good with camera and computer things" she says " And he doesn't know what to video since his twin isn't here"

" Oh" I say

" So his working with his dad in there office"

" Grayson's like the second boss?" I Ask finishing my coffee

" Well he was before but now his the boss"

" Oh" I nod my head

After when Leyla finished her coffee, we had like a 2 minute fight off who's going to pay the coffee's.

" Leyla let me pay" I say

The guy was waiting for us. He got angry so he huffed... a loud one, I looked up and raised one off my eyebrows at him.

" Thank you" He said and opened the cashier machine

I turn my head and look at Leyla she smiles at me, she already payed him, I put away the money and cross my arms over my chest.
The guy hands over the change to Leyla and gives me a fake smile.
Me and Leyla leave and get inside the car, she leaves me at Aaron's.

" Have fun" Leyla says, winking at me and laughing

" Oh shut up you" I say and wave a good bye, she waves a good bye and leaves.

Why not write a chapter about Leyla 💞
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