Card invitations

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" I'm gonna go and copy these"
" I'll come too then we'll give them to everyone"

We leave and get inside the car, we were currently going somewhere to copy more off our card invitations.

As Aaron parked his car, I waited for him inside the car. My phone buzzed

Unknown number: I had enough of this game

I furrow my eyebrows ' What game?'

Then I get another message

Unknown number: I'm done

I put my phone away, this number hasn't messaged me for nearly 2 months until now. As I roll the window down Aaron opens the door and gets in.

" Ready to hand them out?"

I nod my head and smile at him.

We had to go to Grayson's house to give him the card, since there was traffic I went on my phone and went on YouTube watching videos, it had passed the time and I was tired, we finally came to Grayson's house.

" You wanna come?"

I nod my head

As me and Aaron walk Aaron knocks on the door, my heart was pounding, What if she doesn't open the door what if she shouts at me? What if-

" Hey bro"

It was Grayson.

" Hey Gray"

" Hi, we came here to give our invitation card for our wedding" Aaron says he hands the card over

" Oh man I'm so happy for you too" Grayson says and hugs Aaron

" And you little misses" Grayson says pulling me into a hug " We haven't seen each other for nearly 2 months I'll say" we both pull away

" I've missed you"
" I missed you too bitch"
I hit him on the chest
" So were gonna go and give out more" Aaron says
" Okay"
" See you at work buddy"
" See you"
" Hannah! We'll meet up
One day before the wedding" Grayson shouts
" Okay!"

I get into my seat and so does Aaron

" Where we going next?"
" To Lisa's house" he says
I gulp. I haven't seen her for ages, I wonder how she was doing.

I knock on the door as Aaron was waiting for me inside the car. On one hand I had the card the other I was knocking on the door, my hands were shaking, the door opens.

" Hi Ms.Dolan" I say
" Hey Hannah" she says and hugs me I hug back.
" I'm here to give you something" I say and look down at my hands " I'm here to give this" I say and give her the card, she looks at it and looks back at me, she gets it and looks at it.
" Would you like to come in?" She asks
I turn around looking at Aaron he nods his head and I nod my head. I enter in. Everything was still the same.
" Sit down darling" she says
I make my way to the sofa and sit down, Lisa comes and sits opposite me holding the card in her hand.
" It's our-" she cuts me off
" I know sweetie I know" she says and looks at me she puts the card down and huffs.
" Hannah I wanna give you something" she says getting up walking towards this cupboard she opens the drawer and gets out a little box. She comes and sits back down, she hands me the box.
" There is a key in there"
I look at the box " It's Ethan's room, I locked since the incident has happened , and I've been there only once, and it was when you guys were getting prepared for your wedding stuff" she says holding her tears, I look back at her.
" You can go in there sweetie" she says getting up not bearing to hold her tears.

Sorry cliffhanger 💗 what will happen do you think?
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