Jake the snake

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I ran to the car and speed drive to  that dick's house. His dead.....
I couldn't imagine that Ethan was dead, like you would never believe it, I can't imagine how traumatised Grayson must be, how can Jake do that?

I parked my car outside his house,
I walked up the pavement and knock on his door.

" Say the password and the door will unlock"

What the hell was that? I knock on the door again

" Please try again, say the password and the door will unlock"

I look to my right to see an automatic unlock so the door can open.

I huff and knock again

" please try again. The password you said was wrong"

I look at the machine.

" You and your fucking password" I shouted and took out the machine out off its place.

Next thing you hear is the alarm going on, how extra could Jake Paul be? The door opens revealing Jake.

" What's wrong with you?" He said

" What's wrong with me? You fucking bastard you killed Ethan" I shouted and without thinking twice I punched him on the face.

" Oww!" Jake groaned and stumbled a little

" You little piece of shit, you deserve to fucking die!" I shout and kick him in the stomach. Next thing I know is that someone picks me up and put's me on the other side.

" Stop it!"

" Grayson?"

" Get in the car" Grayson said

" No"


" Don't fucking shout at me you little
Dick" I said.

As I turn around to leave I hear Jake saying

" Go to hell"

I turn around and push Grayson with all my anger and punch Jake on the face and step on his fingers.

I walk out.

Grayson's POV

Wow, she's really strong. I get up from the floor looking at Jake.

" Hope you go to hell dick" I said and spat in his face. I got inside my car and drove off to the place where me and Ethan used to go when ever we felt down. I parked my car and climbed the
rock, I sat down and stared at the view.

" I miss you brother" I whisper

Since there had to be a video on a Tuesday I got up and went back to my car to get out the camera, I wasn't bothered to climb the rock so I just sat on a wood and turned the camera on.

" Hey guys we're back, well I'm back. I'm sorry this had to be like this guys" I said and sniffled " I lost my twin brother, the one I always had by my side, the one who was always there for me when no one else was." I huffed and looked up " I miss you E, I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you" I look back at the camera " This weeks video is different cause since I'm alone" I said and wiped of my tear " But there's nothing I could do or we could do, I'm sorry guys" I said " But Tuesday will still leave  on" I sniffle wiping of my tears " See you guys next week"

I tried making it sad, don't judge.

I love the fight scene

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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now