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" Thanks for the fun" I say to Aaron as he drops me off to Aroosa's house.

He waved a good bye and leaves.

I was drunk... half drunk, I guess. But I wasn't feeling okay.

" Aroosa!" I shout and just simply start laughing.
She opens the door and pulls me inside

" What are you doing?" She asks me

" I don't know I was ha-having fun" I say and snort

" Oh you son of a" she stops and helps me sit down

" BITCH!" I shout and finish off her sentence, she gives me a look, and I laugh.

" Where's Lexie?" I Ask and play with my hair

" She isn't going to come home today" Aroosa says

I nod.

Afters 1 hour

It's 1 o'clock, Aroosa hasn't slept and neither have I, were both sitting down while Aroosa was flicking through the channels until...

" Why is this happening?" I say out of nowhere

Aroosa look's at me " What?"

" All of this" I say " Ethan's dead, Dylan's lost"

" Hey don't think about it" Aroosa says

" I can't Aroosa, I can't!" I say

" Everything's going to be okay" she says as she tries to hug me but I pull away and get up.

" I can't stand this anymore! I want Ethan back I want Dylan back! I want everything back to how it was before" I say

" Hannah I need you to calm down" Aroosa says and comes near me.

" No! No! I can't I can't" I say and burst into tears " I can't! I can't!" I feel my knees weaken and I fall on the floor, griping on to my hair " Please make this stop! It hurts thinking about them" I whisper as I cry more. Aroosa bends down and holds on to my hand.

" Hannah look at me" she says, I look at her and she looked worried " Forget about it, were gonna find Dylan don't worry" she says " Turn off your emotions" she says

I look at her.

" Forget about it Hannah you are stronger then this" she says " You can do better, we need you Hannah" she says. I feel as if someone had to say this too me and Aroosa did. I nod my head at her and get up from the floor.

" go wash your face, wear something comfortable, I'm going to make coffee and then we can watch Netflix" she says.

I go to the bathroom, and just look at myself in the mirror, I looked horrendous, around my eyes my mascara was everywhere. My hair looked terrible as if I just had a fight, I open the cold water and breeze the coldness on my face. I then brush my hair and tie it into a messy ponytail not to high not to low. I make my way upstairs and wear My PJS. I then head down stairs.

" Looking fresh" Aroosa says

I sit next to her, and smile.

She flicks through Netflix and opens vampire diaries.

" You've been watching too much VD right?" I Ask

" Yeah how do you know? You hate this show" she said

" When you said turn off your emotions I figured it out" I said

" Did you watch it?" She asks me

" Yeah when Ethan was watching it and he had some catching up too do" I say

Aroosa nods and opens season 6

" I've got 2 more seasons to go" she says

I smile at her and we watch it.

I guess I should start watching VD as well.

End of chapter.........

You see what I did in the book I done the same exact thing when Elena had her break down.

Hope you enjoyed

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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now