Friends again

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" Mum Where's Hannah?" Dylan asks

I look at Grayson, he raises his eyebrows and turns his head.

" Well Dylan" I said " I-w- we stopped talking"

Dylan gasped

" Mum why?"

" Well she lost you and I got angry so we are not talking" I said looking down
" Mum is wasn't her fault" he says " She was talking on the phone"

I look at him " Mum please call Hannah"

I huff and shake my head " No Dylan"

Hannah's POV

" Aaron"
He looks at me
" Come on" I whine " Your making everything dirty"
He smirks at me
" I make everything dirty" he says
" Eww Aaron " I say
He gets a bunch of flour on his hand and chases after me
" Aaron no!"
I run around,just as Aaron reaches to me my phone rings, luckily he doesn't pour the flour.

" Hey Grayson.... yeah... I'll be there.... But is she there..... oh.. okay.... see you... bye" I end the call and put my phone away

" Who was that?"
" Grayson"
" What's happened?"
" His calling me to his house"
" Is Alex there?"
I shake my head no
" I can drop you off"
" I'll be fine Aaron" I say and peck his lips, I slipped on to my shoes and went.

Arriving there

I knock on the door and Grayson opens it.
He gives me a smile and moves out the way, I enter in. " Why did you call me?"
" Shhs Just sit down I'll be here in a minute" he said and went upstairs I sat down facing the TV, I wonder what he was doing.

Grayson's POV

I run upstairs to Dylan's room.

" Dylan" I whisper " Hannah is downstairs go and surprise her" I say
He nods his head, I hold his hand we both walk slowly downstairs, we see Hannah sitting down but facing the other way. Alex was watching us on top of the stairs.

" Hannah?" I say

She turns her head around and her eyes go bigger, she gets up slowly with her hands on her mouth.

" Dy-Dylan" she whispers she runs up too him and hugs him. " I missed you" she says " I miss you too Hannah" he says she picks him up and she takes him to the sofa with him sitting on his lap.
I turn around and go up the stairs and put my arms around her waist.
" Babes go make it up to her already" I say leaning my forehead against hers
She huffs " I'll see" she says and puts her arm around my neck, I look up and kiss her.

Hannah's POV
" So Dylan where have you been for this long?"
He doesn't say anything, he was playing with my necklace " Dylan?"
He looks up " I can't" he whispers, I don't hesitate to say anything. " Hannah?" I look at him " Could you talk to my mum?"
I look down " I do want to talk but she isn't talking to me" I say, he gets off of my lap and tells me to wait.
He runs upstairs after 5 minutes he comes back down with Alex, I get up slowly and face them.
" Mum" he says looking at Alex " Hannah" he says looking at me " Talk"
He steps back and sits on the stairs followed by Grayson. This was awkward.

" Alex I'm sorry" I say
" No don't be I'm sorry for going harsh on you" she says
We both look at each other
" I'm sorry" we both say at the same time, we giggle.
" Oh come here" Alex says and I go and hug her.

" Yay" I turn my face to see Dylan and Grayson cheering.

They made it up yay
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