Back Together

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Hannah's POV

" Babe wake up"

I slowly open my eyes. I look up and see that we've came to Grayson's house. As we got out from the car, I carried my bag and went inside. I threw myself on the couch.
We all sat down, talking and laughing. It's good to be back, I've missed them all.

" Basically, Grayson" I said looking at Grayson " Your stupid twin brother" I looked at Ethan " We were at the hotel, and He took of his shirt and from our balcony he jumped into the pool"

We all laughed.

" Your really stupid" Grayson said. Ethan glared at him.

" Mummy?"

We all turn our head around to see Dylan holding Someone's hand. They both came downstairs as Dylan ran to his mum.

" Leyla!" Ethan shouted and hugged her

" I've missed you" Leyla said

She looked at me and smiled, " And you must be Hannah" she said I smiled at her.

" I'm Leyla by the way, Ethan and Grayson's cousin's" she said and sat down.

It was 10 and I was starving. Alex was making breakfast in the kitchen while Leyla was helping her, Ethan and Grayson was sat on the chair thinking of video ideas while Aroosa and Dylan was talking.

" Aroosa?" As Dylan asked

" Yes"

" Do you know why girls call my dad daddy?" Dylan asked

I looked at Aroosa hoping she wouldn't say anything.

" Well Dylan let me tell you this. Your dad's pretty hot, good looking and all the girls want him" Aroosa said " And daddy... well Dylan they just want to fuck him"

Dylan's eyes wide shook open.

I hit Aroosa on the arm.

" Thanks Aroosa" Grayson shouted

" Your welcome" she said.

I rolled my eyes, Dylan was still shocked. He ran upstairs to his room.

As Aroosa was about to speak I got up and went to the kitchen.

" Need help?" I asked

" No thank you sweet heart" Leyla said

I turn back around and went up to the boys.

" Help us" Grayson moaned

" Okay" I said as I sat on Ethan's lap " Let me see what you've guys got here" I took away the notebook to see nothing, I look at the both off them.

" Really?" I said

" Really" Ethan said

I laughed and wrote stuff that came into my mind.

" That's a good one" Ethan said

" So which one guys?" I said putting the pen back down.

" How about we do" Grayson said skimming through the list " Where am I challenge?"

" No" Ethan said

" Well how about you guys do Types of Friends?" I said

They both nodded there heads.

" Yay" I said, I got the notebook and the pen and put it back into Grayson's room. I got back out to see Dylan doing his homework.

" Need help?" I asked, as I got inside his room closing the door behind me

" Yes" he said

I checked his homework which he had to do maths.

" Do you know your times table?" I asked

He nodded his head.

" 6x5 equals?" I asked

" 30!" He shouted and wrote the answer on the paper.

" DYLAN! Breakfast is ready"

" You heard Mummy, c'mon" I said

He put his pencil away and holded my hand as we both went downstairs.
We all sat down as we started eating.

" Mummy what are we going to do for my birthday?" Dylan asked

" It's a surprise Dylan" Grayson said

" Oh dad please I want to know" Dylan moaned

" Dylan dad said it's surprise" Alex said

Dylan slumped on his chair and crossed his arms.

We all ate and me and Leyla helped clean up.
Aroosa left. As I was washing the dishes Alex came.

" It's so hard to look after a child" Alex said

I laughed " I told you to use the protection" I said

Alex laughed " We did but" she scratched the back off her neck " It broke"

" What?" I said, trying not to laugh

" We had like so many off them" she said

" How many?" I asked

" fifty" she mumbled

" How many?"

" Fifty" she said and looked down

" FIFTY PACKETS!" I shouted, Alex put her hand over my mouth " Of condom?" I whispered.

Her face got red. I was laughing so hard that tears formed in my eyes.

Wow Grayson and Alex fifty packet off condoms 😂 I enjoyed writing this chapter vote and comment

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now