I love you

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My phone vibrated

Aaron💜 I'm here xxx

I get up and make my way out. I see him standing in front off his car. His mouth opened.

" Close your mouth before you catch a fly" I say and laugh

He chuckled and comes closer too me

" Can't help it, if I'm with a girl like you" he says

I smile

He moves out off the way and opens the door for me. He closes it back and runs to his seat.

Ethan's POV

She was going out... with him.
Do they love each other?
Are they girl friend and boyfriend
Did she move on that quickly
Do she still love me
All of these thoughts were in my head.
Hannah looked really beautiful tonight, I wonder what was going on and where they were going, we better find out then.

Hannah's POV

we arrive at the restaurant.
As we make our way in Aaron already had booked a seat for us.

" Carpenter?" The man said looking down the list " Your seat is 42, this gentlemen would help you" he said shoving the waitresses arm, he walked in front off us.

" This is your table" he says

Aaron thanks him.

" Woah Aaron this is beautiful" I say and look around the restaurant, everything was calm in here, the slow music playing, less chattering, everywhere was with old pictures and gold frame around it, the colourful light bulbs, everything just looked perfect.

" I'm glad you liked it" he said

I smiled at him.

As we ordered our food, lots of more people arrived. It was getting really crowded.

As Aaron was talking to me, I felt butterflies in my stomach, like not a love feeling it was a bad feeling. As Aaron laughed at what he said to me I laughed along not knowing what he said, so I played along.

" But then Jack" he said his voice went all blurry for a second as I drank my water I looked to my left to see someone, he looked creepy, his face was turned. I saw him somewhere before but where, they slowly turned around and looked at me from the corner of their eye as they saw me looking at them they quickly turned back around. I came out from my zone and heard everyone...

" Then when he done that he farted" Aaron said while laughing, his face went red from laughing. I put the cup down, slightly scratching the back of my neck and smiling awkwardly.

" Are you Okay?" He asks

" Y-Yeah" I say

He puts his hand over my hand and rubs it gently.
I smile at him and he smiles back. Our foods arrive and we ate, talking, laughing having fun. But then...

" Hannah I gotta tell you something" Aaron says gulping

I nod at him.

" I don't know how to start" he says chuckling, he scratched the back of his neck and drank his water " I- Well- Hannah your different from every other girl I met till I met you, your fun to hang around, your always there for people when they are feeling down, and when your down you fight for it and then you forget about it, What I was going to really say was, Hannah... since you stayed in my house I started to think... your pretty, beautiful, funny and caring" he says

I smile at him, my heart pumping fast.

" Hannah I...." he says looking right through my eyes not breaking eye contact " I love you" he says

My heart stops, I didn't know what to say.

I raise an eyebrow " You love me?"

He nods his head and licks his lip.

" Yes Hannah I love you"

" I-I don't know what to say" I say but he cuts me off

" I just wanted to express my feelings for you cause I didn't wanna hide them for too long, and it's okay if you don't like me back like I totally understand you" he says

" Aaron" I say chuckling, he looks up " Breath Aaron breath" I say " I wasn't going to say anything Aaron, I was going to say I'm in shock like we've been friends for a long time and I never had feelings for you it was Ethan... but then all of this happened and if Ethan was here right now he would of wanted me to be happy, Aaron I love you too" I say and smile

His eyes widens " I love you Hannah"

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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now