I think I love her

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" Lex what should we do today?" I Ask her as I jump on the couch

" I'm staying home again" Lexie said and went on her phone.

That bitch she's always on her phone!

" I'm going" I shout and get the car keys and leave.

I get inside the car and drive off to Alex is house.

I get out and check out my car, I parked it really nicely, not that it's one side is on the pavement and the other on the road, I'm such an amazing driver.

I knock on the door three times and close my eyes next thing I know is I'm hitting something I open my eyes and I'm hitting Grayson's forehead.

" Could you stop please?" Grayson said

" Could you stop please" I mimic back

He rolls his eyes, I push him out the way making him stumble a little.

" Yo where is mybitch?"

" Who's your bitch?" Leyla Asked

" Hannah the banana" I say and laugh

" She's not here anymore" Alex said and walked to the kitchen, aggressively

" Dafaq is wrong with her?" I Ask and jump on the couch

" Nothing, What are you here for?" Grayson said

" 1 None of your fucking business and 2 Shut the fuck up" I say

Grayson rolls his eyes and Leyla tells me everything.

" Dylan is no where to be found?" I Ask

Leyla shakes her head.

" You guys will find him don't worry" I say

" Okay could you go please?" Grayson says " We've got a lot of things to do"

" Is he on his man period?" I whisper to Leyla

" No I'm not!" Grayson shouts.

Hannah's POV

" Thanks for letting me stay here" I say to Aaron

" No problem" he says

I turn around to leave " Where are you going to be staying?" He asks

" At Aroosa's house" I say

He laughs " At that weirdos place?"

" Don't call her that" I say and hit him on the chest

" Anyways if something weird happens, my door is always open" he says, I nod my head and leave.

Aaron's POV

" Yoo men"

I jump when I see jack right in front of me.

" You scared me man" I say

We walk and sat on the sofa.

" I'm bored" I say

" You wasn't bored last night" Jack says and gives me a wink

" Hey we were just talking" I say

" She makes you happy bro" jack said

" I know"

" Your last girlie was a  bitch" Jack says

" Yeah She was" I say

" Do you feel happy when your around Hannah?" Jack asks

I look at him

" Y-Yeah"

" Do you lo-" I cut him off

" Let's watch a movie" I say and turn on the duff.
While was watching it, I kept imagining Hannah and her beautiful hair, when ever she laughs her dimples show, she's the cutest little thing ever.

" I think I love her" I blurt out

" W-what?" Jack shouts and gives me a confused look.

" I love her" I say and smile

End of chapter.........................

Aaron loves Hannah

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