Where's Dylan?

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" Are you excited?" I asked Dylan

" Yes" He said

He ran up to Alex and hugged her.

" Be Safe" Alex said

" Listen to Hannah" Grayson said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Dylan nodded.

Dylan came and holded my hand, he waved them goodbye.

We got inside the cab.

" Where are we going madam?" The driver asked

" Here" I said showing him the tickets. He wrote the postcode and drove away.

" So what's your favourite song?" I asked Dylan

" It's shout out to my ex" he said

" Have you had a ex before?" I asked him shoving his shoulder

" Don't tell no one" he whispered

I gasp ". What was her name?" I Ask

" Isabell" he said " But she broke my heart" he said

" Aww my little baby" I said and hugged him.

" The song really helped" he said

" I'm sure it did" I said and laughed

" Who's your favourite member of little Mix?" I Ask

" It's got to be Perrie" he said " Ugh! That voice, she's an angel" he said, I smiled at him.

" Who's your favourite singer or band?" Dylan asked

" Well it used to be Little Mix but not anymore I like Ariana Grande" I said

" Your mean" Dylan said " How could you not like Little Mix?"

" I still do but I don't listen to there music that often" I said

He nodded his head.

Arriving there

I pay the man and we walk where there was a line. Our turn came quick so we showed our tickets and entered in.

" Have you seen little Mix before?" Dylan asked.

" I did" I said

" Oh my gosh when?" He asked

" It was when I used to live in London and they came to south bank and I saw them" I said

" Your lucky did you take a picture?"

" Sadly no" I said "but I got a video of Perrie saying Hi"

" Can I See it Please?" He asked, I showed him the video.

" Aww your very lucky" he said

I smiled

" I wanted to see them on my birthday for there concert but I never did, so your lucky" I said, we entered into the venue and sat in our seats.

" Didn't your mum let you?" He asked

" No she didn't because she told me I met them so what's the point of meeting them again" I said

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now