" Get out!"

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" Mam! Mam!"

I slow open my eyes, " Where's Dylan?"
I Ask

" Sorry mam we couldn't find him" the security guard said and left the room. I sit up and start crying.

" Hey" I look up to see Leigh Anne " It's gonna be okay Hunny, you will find him"

I cried into Leigh Anne's arms. I pull away and look at her " Because off me you guys cancelled the show I'm so sorry" I said

" No don't be sorry, Dylan is more important" she said and smiled at me

Ring! Ring!

I check my phone to see Grayson ringing me, I didn't answer.

" Leigh Anne!"

The door opens to reveal Jesy she looked sad.

" You know there was smoke up in the crowd they discovered that it was a gun shot"

" What?" Leigh Anne said

" It's a gun shot" Jesy said " Two people got hurt and they've been rushed to the hospital" Jesy said

Jesy left the room

" o-oh my god I can't believe this" Leigh Anne said

" Leigh Anne I should get going" I said getting up

" Okay darling I'll tell the chauffeur to drop you home" she said and rushed out the door, I followed her.

" Thank you Leigh Anne" I said

" It's Okay, hope you find him!" She shouts and leaves.

I get inside the car, my whole body shaking. I didn't wanna go home but I had no other choice to go.

" Thank you" I say to the chauffeur I close the door behind me and walk towards the front door, my heart pounding every second I take a step. I put the key in and take a deep breath, I open the door and close it behind me.

" Hey hann-" Alex looks at me " Where's Dylan?"

I throw the key to the table and stand there. A tear rolling down my cheek.

" Hannah Where's Dylan?" She asks again, coming closer to me.

" I-I can explain" I stuttered " When Gr-Grayson rang me he was next to me then I close my phone and his n-not th-there" I sat and start crying

" What?" Alex whispered and her eyes got watery

" I'm so-sorry" I said

" HOW CAN YOU LOSE HIM?" She shouted

We both started crying.

" Hey hey shss " Grayson said and hugged Alex, Alex came of his grip.

She came closer to me and slapped my cheek.


I turn around and leave. I ring Aaron.

" Hey Aaron" I whisper

" Hey Hannah what's wrong?" He asks

" Please come pick me up" I said and broke into tears

" I'll be there" he says

I sit down on the pavement waiting for him. My phone vibrates.

" Ugh!" I groan

Unknown number: Aww got kicked out off the house my poor bby come to mine ;)

Me: Whoever you are fuck off and leave me alone!

Unknown number: Don't sit on the pavement babes you might get ill ;)

I look around

I put my phone away and wait
For Aaron. I see his car approaching.

" Hey" he says and get out from the car coming next to me.

I hug him.

" Aaron" I whisper

He rubs my back " It's gonna be okay" he whispers, we pull away and get into his car.

End of chapter............

I feel sorry for Hannah but who could take Dylan away?

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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now