So close....

37 4 2

The day after the party in Grayson's house my mum decided she wanted to go back home. Grayson, me and Lisa dropped her off to the airport, she promised me she'll be back for my wedding.

Today me, Aroosa, Alex, Leyla and Cameron were going out to have fun. Lexie couldn't come since she had a kid. Cameron said she'll pick us up at 6 and it was 4 so we had plenty of time. I was trying to look for my dress and I couldn't find it, I rang Alex.

" Hey Alex would you mind to check Ethan's wardrobe if there's this black dress?"
" Okay wait a second"
I wait for her response
" Umm.. no sorry" she said
" It's Okay" I said " Thank you Anyways bye"
" Bye" she said
I ended the call, I furrow my eyebrows and look inside the wardrobe

" Babes!"
" Yeah"
" Have you seen my black dress?"
" I don't think so no" he said

I huff and think where I could of left the dress, and then it hit me I left it at Lisa's house.

I ring Lisa, no answer
I ring Cameron, no answer

I message Cameron which she hasn't seen it. I decided to go there.

" Aaron I'm gonna go to Lisa's house I thing I left the dress there" I said getting the keys

" Okay" He says

I close the door behind me and get inside the car, I start the engine and drive.

Arriving there

I park the car outside, I walk to the front door and knock.

Ethan's POV

I heard a knock, who was that? I get up and look out the window, who was that? I couldn't see her face since she was facing the other way, she turned around.

" Hannah" I whisper

I quickly run upstairs and then the door opened.

" Is anyone home?" She shouts

Oh how much I miss her, her voice.
I heard the door shut, I was in Cameron's room behind the door, she wouldn't come in here right?

Hannah's POV

No one was home, I go up the stairs and open the door to Cameron's room, Well she wasn't there I close the door.

Ethan's POV

I heard her come upstairs, my heart was beating fast, she opened the door nearly hitting me, but luckily she didn't see me.

Hannah's POV

I go inside Ethan's room and check in his wardrobe, there was the dress I left it here.

I get the dress and close the door, his room still looked tidy. I then get out closing the door behind me, as I was going down I heard something.

" Is someone there?" I look behind me

Ethan's POV

I just sneezed, great!

" Is someone there?"

I quickly get up as I hear her approaching back upstairs, I walk over to the window and as I opened I quickly climbed over it and my other foot gets stuck, great. The handle moved and I was struggling... still. She opens the door but I quickly turn my face away and that's when I hoped over and ran out from the garden.

" Hey!" She shouts

I ran quickly, I took a quick glance but she was still trying to figure out where I was, in our garden there's a little wooden where dad hides all his stuff for the garden, and I hid in there.

Hannah's POV

I was shaking, I didn't know what to do at this point. I close the window and make my way downstairs. I heard the front door opening, I hid behind the door holding a vase in my hand. I closed my eyes and I hit them.

" Ouch!"

I open my eyes

" Oh my gosh Grayson" I said

He was rubbing the back of his head

" What are you doing here?" I Ask

" What am I doing here?" He said furrowing his eyebrows " What are you doing here?"

I got the dress and showed it too him and slightly smiled.

He huffed

" Why did you do that for?" He said

" Well someone else was in this house and I thought it was them" I said

" Who was it?" He asked

" I don't know" I said " Anyways why are you here?"

" Excuse me? This is my house as well I used to live here" he said in a girl voice

" You don't come here often"

" Well I had to for today I'm taking the boys out since you girls are going out" he said

" Oh shit I forgot about that what's the time?" I Ask

He glances at his watch

" 5:15"

" Oh my gosh" and with that I run out

" Drive safely!" He shouts

Ethan was so close to be seen by Hannah

Next chapter is probably going to be long because that's the last chapter

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now