Having fun

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I wait for Grayson and the officer inside the car. They came.

" So we will go back to the station for me and the rest of my group to investigate further more" the officer said

Arriving at the station

" Thank you for everything" Grayson said

" No problem guys! We will find him" the officer said and waved a good bye to us.

" Han I'm gonna call a cab" Grayson said he called a cab and it came.

" We'll drop you off first" Grayson said
I nodded my head, I told Grayson I was gonna go to Aaron's house.

Aaron's house

" Thank you Grayson" I said

" Your welcome"

I shut the door and watch as the car go. I walk to the door and knock on it.

" Hey sunshine" Jack said

" Hey" I said and frown my eyebrows " Are you still here?"

" Yep" He said

I nod my head and sit on the couch. Jack runs up the stairs and then comes back down with his bag.

" Anyways Hannah if you see Aaron tell him I left early" he said and before I could say something he already left.

I just stood there like an idiot not knowing what to do. I sit back down and keep looking behind me.

I check the time. 9 o'clock.

Is he still asleep? Should I check? Idk oh god! Why was I panicking so much. I get up and go upstairs. There were 3 rooms and I don't know which ones Aaron's since the doors looked the same. I'm just go to the one that was on the right. It should be his room. I walk up to the door and open it and see Aaron asleep.

I enter in and slowly make my way towards his bed.

" Wake up sleepy head!" I shout as I jump on him. The next thing I know is that I land on the concrete wooden floor and hurt my but cheeks!

" Aaron!" I say as I whimper in pain.

He turns around and opens one eye. And frowns and then realises that it was me.

" Oh my gosh Hannah I'm sorry" he says getting up from his bed.

" You thought I was jack?" I Ask he nods his head I laugh

" Sorry" He said and got up from his bed and went to the bathroom. I sit on his bed and wait for him to come out. He comes out and we both head downstairs to the kitchen.

" What do you wanna eat?"

" Pancakes?" I said

He nods his head and gets out the ingredients. As he was making them I help him set out the table.

" Is everything good?" He asks

" I wish it was. so much things are happening, Ethan is dead his body is missing, we lost Dylan, Meredith was getting raped, Alex isn't talking too me. I wonder what's next?" I ask, Aaron shrugs his shoulders as he sits down, my phone buzzes I check to see that I've got a message.

Unknown number: You wonder what's next. You just relax babes because sooner you'll find out xxx

I close my eyes, breathing slowly. I close my phone and put it away. Then I feel something on my hand, I open my eyes to see Aaron's hand on top of mine.

" What ever you just saw or read, ignore it because they're being pathetic, they're wasting your time" he says and smiles, I smile back.
As I was about to bite into the pancake my phone buzzes again. I check it.

Unknown number: I'm not pathetic btw. Don't listen to that dick. And don't ignore me cause if you do bad shit is going to happen

I ignore it and try to eat but I can't. I wanna know who messaging me, not only me, everyone.

Me and Aaron clean up everything and sit down on the couch.

" What you wanna do today?"

" Let's go out"

He looks outside " Well look at the weather, it looks like it's going to rain" he said and scratched the back of his neck.

" Then, we should watch something and then can we go on a car journey?"

He gives me a ' What the fuck' look

" Why?"

" I don't wanna go that far I just like car journeys" I said

" Okay" He said, laughing " Your weird"

I playfully hit his arm and he opens Vampire diaries.

" You know I hate this" I say

" You know I need to catch up on it" he says

" Ugh!"

We watched about 3 of season 4 and now his nearly on season 5.

" Well That was a vampire diaries marathon?" I Ask

He smiles

" Don't you think?" I say and cross my arms

" Don't be mad" he says and lyes down " C'mon we'll go for the car journey"

" Yaay" I say and get up squealing, I jump on to his back and we go make our way into the car.

Yeah and then they go have fun.


Vote and comment I want this book to be finished before December so I might update everyday

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now