Everything changing

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It's been 1 month, 1 month for Ethan's missing body which yet no one still found, Alex still isn't talking to me but I sometimes meet with Leyla and Grayson, and Dylan he was no where to be found. Times flew quick and so did the days, I was currently living in Aaron's house since Aroosa found a job for herself, which was a bit inappropriate and Lexie wouldn't stop bringing different boys everyday. So I decided to stay with Aaron and Jack, Well Jack didn't live here but he would come for a visit.

" Hey Hannah"
I turn my head to see Aaron.
" Hey Aaron"
He takes a seat next to me, Aaron's being acting different around me, he gets closer to me he gives me cuddles at night in bed, he does everything.
" Aaron I'm gonna go out shopping" I say looking at my wrist which there was no watch so I take out my phone from my back pocket 4:39 it read.
" Should I call a cab?" He asks
I shake my head ' No'
He raises his eyebrows " Sure?"
I nod my head ' Yes'
I get up making my way towards the door and leave, I walk, thinking about what Dylan was up too, tbh Dylan was like a very cute child, he seems chill around everyone his funny. But then my thought came again... to Ethan. I miss him, his warm hugs when ever he needed him, his kisses at night in bed when he wouldn't leave you alone, or he would... I don't know you name all the things that Ethan does, a slight tears escapes and I slightly chuckle just thinking about Ethan. I wish he could be here right now, I would of been holding his hand right now, he could of pulled me into a hug since the wind is blowing, my hair flying every where and Ethan removing them, then him pulling me into a kiss. I want his warm touch again. I want you Ethan, I want you.
I enter into the mall, and some fans run up to me taking picture, I don't know why they wanted picture I wasn't famous... Okay I might be Ethan's girlfriend and I might as well been in there Video a few times but that doesn't technically make me famous.
" We love you"
I smile at them " I love you too!" I shout back
As I start walking and I was about to enter into a shop someone grabs me. I look down to see a cute little girl tugging on to my leg. I pick her up.
" Hello sweetie" I say moving her hair out of her face
" Hi Hannah" she says in her cute little voice " Can I pwease take a picture?"
I smile at her " Of course you can" I say she hands me a phone, IPhone 6. As she unlocks it I see a picture of me and Ethan.
" This is you and Ethan" she says
I remember that picture, it was a picture when we got engaged.
" That's cute" I slightly whisper
She smiles at me showing me some of her toothless teeth. She was very cute.
" How is Ethan?" She asks me looking down at the phone fiddling with it
" His Good" I say, I lied. I don't think she knows about his death or anything.
" Could you pwease tell ethen that I love him" she says
I nod my head " I will"
As we were about to take a picture some woman ran to us.
" Megan, Why did you run of like that?"
Oh I think that was the Mum
" Mum it's Hannah" she says clapping her hands and smiling bright
Megan gets out from my grip and goes to her mum, her mum picks her up and I hand her the phone over.
" She loves you guys so much" her mum said
I smile
" She keeps talking about you and Ethan" she says but whispers the last part, I slightly smile and nod my head. She realised I looked a bit upset since it was about Ethan so she changed the subject.
" Have you guys taken your picture?"
Megan shakes her head I pick her up and we both pose in front of the camera.

Idk what this chapter is tbh
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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now