His... gone?

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I unbuckle my seat belt and open the door.
The rain pouring heavily, my hair getting wet. I run to him. Shouting out his name, hitting him on the chest, shaking his body for him to wake up but nothing happened.

" Hannah get back inside the car!" Jake shouted, I ignored him. I couldn't leave him out here dead!

" HANNAH!" Jake shouted " Hurry up before someone sees us"

I had no other chance but go, maybe if Jake left I could get arrested or how would I get back home. I kissed him on the lips and ran inside the car.

I couldn't stop these silent tears from rolling down, my phone kept ringing I ignored it wiping off my tears as more came out. Jake was looking at me.

" Don't look at me" I whispered

" Hann-" I cut him off

" How did you know?" I asked

" I-I kept track off him" Jake said " I knew where he was"

I huffed.

" Look I'm sorry" he said

" Don't" I whispered, I closed my eyes trying not to cry. But I couldn't resist it.

Returned home

Jake dropped me off home. As I was walking towards the door, I slowly open it. They were all looking at me. Grayson came and helped me sit on the couch.

" Di-did you guys f-find him?" I asked

" No" Leyla said firmly " Fans wouldn't let us by the time they saw Grayson we ran all the way too my car and finally luckily they lost track off us"

I nodded my head.

" Have you been crying?" Grayson asked

I didn't dare to look at his face.

" Why's your hair wet?" Alex asked

I didn't say nothing.

" Hannah" Grayson said " What happened?"

I looked at Grayson, the vision was blurry due my eyes were getting watery.

" Ja-Jake he" I stopped.

The news was on. We all looked at the televisions as Grayson got the controller and turned the volume higher.

" Today a fan has spotted her idol lying down in the middle off the road" reporter spoked " Nobody saw what happened and yet he was found dead"

" Who is that?" Grayson said, he clenched his jaw

" We couldn't get a closer look at the body as the paramedics still not arrived"

Grayson looked at me, and a tear rolled down my face.

" Yep the ambulance have arrived and now we can take a closer look at the body" he said as the camera followed him " It is claimed that the dead body is Ethan Dolan"

The controller fell off Grayson's hand. Alex was shock and so was Leyla.

" Who done this?" Grayson asked me

I didn't say nothing. I wiped of a tear.

" WHO DONE THIS?" He shouted

" J-Jake" I whispered

Grayson got up and ran out from the door, I followed him.

" Grayson! Gray!" I shouted

Luckily I got a grip onto his shoulder and turned him around.

" Listen to me Grayson, there's nothing you can do, his gone I'm sorry but his gone and I know it's going to be hard for the all off us. You lost your twin brother and I lost my boyfriend, Dylan lost his uncle, Alex lost her brother in law and Leyla lost her cousin. It's going to be hard but we're gonna get through this, and if you done something stupid to Jake right now what would your fans think off you? What would Dylan do? And your wife, Alex? Have you thought off these?" I said

He shakes his head

" Then don't do it Grayson" I said " Think about your family and parents and especially Dylan" I said. 

Grayson looked down and sniffled he wiped of his tears and hugged me.

" I'm sorry Grayson" I whispered

Okay I'm sorry for making Ethan dead but real shit is about to happen, and your all going to be shock for the next chapter. Hehehehehhehe
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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now