Returning him

30 4 6

Ethan's POV

I open the door to see Dylan sleeping on the floor, he looked pale and cold. I don't think I can do this anymore I say to myself, I'm not getting anything out from this, I'm hurting this poor child for nothing.

I bend down and slowly nudge him, he turns around and looks at me

" Ethan, I'm hungry" he says coughing
" Coms on get up Dylan where going to eat" I say
" We are?" He says slowly sitting up
" Yes we are" I say
I help him get up, as I turn around to leave he holds my hand I turn around and look at our hands I look back at Dylan who was looking down.
" Don't be scared off me Dylan" I say
He nods his head
We both get out and I drive to the nearest food store.
" How about we eat here?" I say
Dylan looks and nods his head

We enter in people looking at us, nobody recognises me that was good since my hair was long and my beard was long.

" Hey can we have this please?" I point to the menu

The man looks at me and Dylan.
" That would be 4.30"
I didn't have anything on me
" I'm sorry I don't have anything on me" I say
" I'm sorry I can't give it then" he says

How rude could he get?

" My child is sick" I say pointing at Dylan, Dylan picks his head up
The man huffs and gives us the bag.
" Thank you" I say and we both head out, I give on bread to Dylan with tuna and one for me. We both ate quickly since we were hungry.

" That was delicious" Dylan says

I nod my head and smile. As we make our way back to the dump I Stop Dylan and bend in front off him.

" Dylan, I can't do this anymore"
" Do What uncle Ethan?"
I look down.
" It's a long story" I say and look at him
" Uncle Ethan I want too see my parents"

I don't say anything. I let go off his hand and walk inside the place. He follows me behind and stands in front off the door, he closes it behind him and makes his way in front off me.

" Please don't give me another injection" he says looking down

I bend down

" I'm not going to give you an injection Dylan" I say " I'm going to return you back home"

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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now