Random messagEs

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Grayson's POV

I went back home.

" Hannah I'm gonna edit the video" I said

" Okay" She said

I walk up the stairs and into my room, I close the door and start editing. My phone kept vibrating, I huff and check my phone it was a message from unknown number

Unknown number: Be careful next time lil buddy ;)

I frown and message back

Me: Who's this?

Unknown number: doesn't matter who I am

I put my phone away. It kept messaging me but I ignored it.

Knock knock.

" Come in"

I turn around

" What's up Hannah?"

She was holding her phone

" Someone just messaged me" she said

" Who was it?"

She shrugged her shoulders

" Block the number" I said

" I did Grayson, and they found my number again" she said

I frowned my eyebrows

" Same shit is happening to me as well" I said, Hannah frowned

" Can we talk later I gotta edit so I can post it tomorrow" I said

She nodded and left the room.

Hannah's POV

As I went back down, Alex and Dylan was there.

" Hey" I said

" Hey Hannah" Alex said and sat down

" Hannah?" Dylan asked, I looked at him.

" Could you please take me to Little Mix concert on Wednesday?"

I look at Alex

" Aww your a fan boy" I say

" Mums not letting me go" he said " Could you please take me?"

" I'll think about it" I said, he hugged me and ran to his room.

Alex gave me a dead look.

" You know they dress inappropriately" she said

" Yeah well he wants to see them" I said what can I do?" I shrug my shoulders, Alex huffed.

" I would of taken him but you know about" she said " Ethan" she whispered his name " I'm still shocked and Grayson is still not yet happy" she said

" I know Alex" I said " It's gonna be okay"

" Guys"
Me and Alex turn around

" Have you guys been getting these weird texts?" Leyla asks

I look at Alex " No" Alex said


We all look at Alex she got her phone out.

" Who's that from?" Leyla asks

" Un-unknown number" she said

" What does it say?"

" It says you to honey"

We all look at her, who was texting us.

Alex put her phone away and Leyla helped her with the bags.

I go up to Dylan's room.

" What are you doing?" I Ask

" Han-Hannah look!" He points at the screen

I bend over and look.

" There's a concert on Wednesday at 5 can we go?" He asks

I giggle.

" Okay" I whisper, he jumps with excitement.

I give all the details and I check my email that I've got the tickets.

" And it's done" I said

He jumps and hugs me.

" Thank you Jeed" he said ' Jeed' in a South Shields accent.

" I'm not Jade" I say

" But you look like her" he said

I giggle and leave the room.

Follow me on pineapplethan on IG I'll follow back
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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now