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Alex was currently dropping me of home, we got up 5 in the morning and went out to get me my wedding dress, I was getting married next week. I was happy and excited. As I was about to get out from the car Alex said " Come to my house at 5" I nodded my head and got out. I struggled to open the door, so I kicked it with my foot, Aaron opened the door and got the box from my hand. I closed the door behind me and put my bag and my keys away. I went to the kitchen washed my hands and grabbed an apple, I sat on a stool and huffed.

" Babes do you know we have to be at Alex's house at 5?" I Ask as I bite the apple

" Yes babe I know" he says

" Do you know why?" I Ask

" nope" he said popping the 'P'

I raise my eyebrows and eat the apple, I check the time 3:35 it read, I got up and headed upstairs. I untie my hair and get out the straightener I do my hair, after that i pick out a black top with jeans and put a belt around it, I tuck in the shirt. I was done. Luckily the time was 4:15 so I went back down stairs and me and Aaron headed to There house.

Arriving there

Aaron knocks on the door, and Dylan opens it, with a party hat on his head. I pick him up and Aaron closes the door behind us.

" What's up?" I said kissing his cheek

He didn't say anything and got out from my grip, he held my hand and walked me to the kitchen. I look up.

" Oh my gosh" I said, I put my hand around my mouth as I saw everyone, and I mean everyone.
My mum, Leyla, Aroosa with her boyfriend, Lexie with her husband and her baby, meredith and Cameron, Grayson's sister. I hug them all, a group hug basically.

" Guys I missed you" I say

" We missed you too" Aroosa says

I go and hug Alex and whisper in her ear " Thank you"
She rubs my back " Your Welcome"
I pull away from the hug and go and talk to everyone, Alex opened the music loud and we all sat down, talked and had fun.

" So Mum" I said sitting next to her " Where have you been?"
" Sweetie it's work they wouldn't leave me alone" she says and groans, she drinks her... whatever she was drinking from the red cup. I laugh and put my head on her shoulder " How quick did you grow up?" She slightly whispered I look at her " Aww mum don't cry" I said putting my arm around her neck and kiss her cheek " I'm just happy for you" she says and wipes her tears away. " Your gonna make me cry women" I said and got up laughing. I went to Lexie her husband and her little baby " Lexie?" I say and hug her " Hey" she says we both pull away from the hug " What's his name?" I Ask looking at the baby " Bob" she says I look at her " No his real name" I Ask, she looks at her husband " His name is bob" he says " Oh" was all I could say " Anyways I'm gonna go and talk to others" I say and give them a smile " Talk to you later" Lexie says, I smile at her and walk to Meredith " Hey girl" she says and hugs me " Hey meredith" I say, she sit back on the stool with the red cup in her hand " Your getting married congrats" she says " Thank you", she nods her head " Where's um..." I say looking around " Jake?" She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders " He left me, cheated on me" she says nearly crying I rub her back " I'm sorry to her this" I say " What is he doing now?" I Ask " Well He got a new house, his a YouTuber well he already was but his really famous, he had a girlfriend Alissa Violet and they broke up and now Jake has a team called team 10" she said " Oh I heard about team 10" I said she doesn't say anything " Hope that dick does" she says, I laugh " I hope" I say, we talk for a bit more " Nice to talk to you Meredith" I say, she smiles at me and I go to Leyla. " Hey Hannah" she says and pulls me into a hug " Hey Leyla" I say " How have you been?", " I've been good" she said I nod my head " Wow look at you getting married" she said " I know" I raise my eyebrows " How was London?" I asked " Well it was good to be back there I was with my parents and found a job" she says and drinks " Well Haven't you found your prince yet?" I Ask, she nearly choked on whatever she was drinking " Hannah I'm not planning on to get married yet or to find someone" she said " Hmm Yeah" I said sarcastically she laughed " I'll catch up on you after" I said " Gotta talk to others still" i said and left " Bye" I wave my hand. I see Aroosa grinding on her boyfriend, Well she still hasn't changed and that was good because I love the funny Aroosa.
" Hey Aroosa"
She looks up at me
" Hannah can we talk later" she says putting her hand around her boyfriend neck
" Aroosa little kids are here"
She stops and looks around she tells her boyfriend something and he leaves
" Congratulations bitch" she said pulling me into a hug, which I couldn't breath she moved to the left and right and I felt dizzy " Your getting married" she finally let go off me which I stumbled a little " Th-thanks" I say she playfully hits me on the shoulder " Anyways I'm gonna go to my boyfriend" she says and leaves me and finally " Cameron?" I said she turned around and hugged me " Hey Hannah" she said " Getting married ey?" She said looking at him, I smiled " Yeah" we talked and talked until she got a message from her mom " I would love to talk more Hannah But mums calling me home" she said getting up " Oh it's fine, we'll talk on instagram" she nods her head. After when Cameron left I went and sat next to my mum and put my head on her shoulder I looked at everyone, they all looked happy and this is what I wanted.

Long chapter btw I love this chapter vote and comment ❤️❤️
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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now