Story time

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Ethan's POV

" Who are you?"

" I thought you was taking me back home?"

" Does Hannah know about this?"

This boy wouldn't shut up oh my gosh, his been talking since I brought him here. And yes you guessed you right I was the one who took him away in the concert oh and that gun shot yeah it was me as well.

" Why wouldn't you show me your face?"

I turn around with the hoodie looking down.

" Your scaring me why don't you talk?"

I sign and look up taking the hoodie off me.

" UNCLE ETHAN!" He shouts

I raise my eyebrows and turn back around

" Why are you here I thought you was at New Jersey?" Dylan said

I turn back around " What did you just say?"

" I thought you was in New Jersey" he said

" How about we tell each other stories" I said and sat down.

" So tell me what they said to you?" I asked

" I can't remember when but Hannah was crying and I asked her where you was and someone said you went back home to clear out your mind" Dylan said

" What else happened?" I asked

" Umm" he started humming " I don't know but everyone was crying" he said

" Okay Dylan thanks for the truthful answer" I said

" How about you uncle Ethan?" He asked

" Well on your birthday I got drunk, and I didn't know what I was doing. The next thing I know is I woke up in a forest and someone was following me but I didn't care" I say laughing " Then I was crossing the road and I can see a car coming faster and it hit me" I said

Dylan gasped

" Are you a ghost now?" He asked

" No no" I laugh " I'm not but then everyone thought I was dead and I came back alive" I said

" I can't wait to tell Han-" I put my hand over his mouth squeezing it a little

" You dare to tell anyone and you will not see your mum or dad again! Do I make it clear?"

He nods his head.

" Now go back inside the room"

" But it's dark in there" he whimpered

" I don't care" I said and pushed him in the room locking it.

I sat down and got out a little phone that I brought I message Hannah

Me: Having fun in Aaron's house?

I put the phone to my side and open the TV.

" Boring, boring and boring" I said as I switched channels

I put the news on which it was talking about little mix's concert.

I huff and roll my eyes

End of chapter.......

This was crap but enjoy

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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now