New phone

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" I'm gonna buy you a new phone!" Grayson said

Ugh! It's 6 in the morning and he isn't leaving me alone, he told me he was gonna get me a phone.

" Hannah just let him buy one" Alex said

I turn around and open one eye, Alex was awake as well? These people are not normal. I turn my head back around and close my eyes.

" Get up!" Grayson said as he pulled the blanket off me. I tried fighting it but he was stronger then me.

" Get up and get dressed" He said

" Ugh!" I groaned

" Don't Ugh me" Grayson said " Come on, I'm waiting for you"

He left the room, I can hear someone laughing.

" It's not funny" I said

" Come on Hannah" Alex said

" Your hubby is very annoying" I said and got out from bed

" But his too cute" she said

" Eww!" I said and went to the bathroom and washed my face.

" Hannah!" Alex said " His very cute"

I nodded my head while I was brushing my teeth.

" I'll pick your outfit" Alex shouted

I got out and saw Alex still looking through the closet.

" Wear this and that" she said and handed me my clothes.

I got changed into a black jeans high waisted and a white top. I tied my hair.

Me and Alex went down the stairs.

" Finally" Grayson said

" Shut up you" I said

Grayson rolled his eyes and went to the car " I'll be inside the car waiting for you" he said and left.

" Hannah I'll wake up Dylan around 10 give him his breakfast and then when you and Gray come back, you'll two leave" Alex said

I nodded my head.

" Bye"

" Bye Alex"

I got inside the car.

" Your a real dick" I said

" Your a real bitch" he said

As he parked his car he put on his hoodie and glasses on.

We entered into Apple.

" Pick a phone any phone"

I look at him and glare.

" Hi would you want some help?" The man asked

" Yes please" Grayson said " We would want a IPhone 7plus"

" Okay please come this way" the man said

" What colour?"

" What colour would you like?" Grayson asked me

" Red" I said

" Red it is then" Grayson said

The man left to get the phone.

" Your a real pain in the ass you know" I said

" Thanks bitch" Grayson said

Grayson gave all the details.

" Thank you for shopping at Apple" the man said

" Thank you" Grayson said and handed me the bag.

We got back inside the car.

" Thank you Grayson" I said

" No problem"

Grayson's being cute vote and comment ❤️

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now