Dead body missing?

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" Why did they just say that?" Grayson asked.
I shrugged my shoulders, someone just called me and told me to get ready... for what? I don't know.

" G-guys" Leyla said as she slowly rises up from the couch still looking at her phone, we all looked at her.

" T-the bod-body is mi-missing" she said

Grayson looked at me, and quickly got the remote and opened the news.

" The car got wrecked and yet the polices where doing there investigation until Ethan's dead body is not here, they're not suspected that it's missing"

" How could it go missing?" Grayson said

" I don't know" I mumbled

" Mummy"

We looked at the back to see Dylan.

" Yes" Alex said as she wiped of her tear

" Why is Hannah crying?" He asked and sat on Grayson's lap

" Long story Dylan we don't wanna tell you" I whispered

I looked at Alex, who had her hand over her mouth and cried, she looked away and went to the kitchen, Leyla following her.

" Where's Ethan?" Dylan asked

I looked at Grayson, who already had tears in his eyes.

" He went to London to clear out his mind" I said

" oh" was all Dylan could say, he got up from Grayson's lap and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

" Dad?" Dylan said

Grayson looked at him.

" I think you forgot it's half term and I was going to my best friends house for a sleep over" he said

" Oh yeah right" Grayson said " Just get out your bag, pick some things to wear and Hannah will come help you"

Dylan clapped his hands and ran up to his room.

" I wanna know where my brothers body is" Grayson said

" I'm surly nothing happened to it" I said

" Are you sure that Jake not might as well and takin it?" Grayson asked

" And do what with the dead body?" I asked

Grayson huffed.

He frowned his eyebrows and looked at me.

" Who rang you?" He asked

I shrugged my shoulders

" I don't know" I said and looked away, I looked back at Grayson who was still looking at me.

I raised one eyebrow and realised what he was thinking. I hit him on his arm.

" Are you out off your mind?" I said

" What" He said and shrugged his shoulders " It's might be true"

" You think his not dead!" I said

" Then how could the body go missing?" He asked

" Maybe someone else took it" I said

Grayson looked down and huffed

" Look I don't know what I'm saying, I'm just upset and angry about this whole fucking situation" Grayson said

" I get you Grayson and I'm sorry about all off this, when this happened" I said and patted his back.

" Hannah!"

" coming!"

I gave a weak smile at Grayson and slowly stood up, as I was walking towards the stairs the curtain was open a little and I could see someone standing there. I walked towards the window and looked out, the person turned back around and carried on walking, I close the curtain and go upstairs.

Who was that?And even Grayson thinks his not, well his not.

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