His room

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I'm standing in front of his door, I look down at the little white box, I close me eye and open the lid, I open my eyes back and get the key. I put the lid back on and put the box in my pocket. I hold the key looking at it. My heart was beating really fast, as I locked the door I slowly open the door. I get inside the room and shut the door behind me. Everything was clean his trophy's all on one side, his jersey top, his desk with his pencils, pens, his laptop and more. There was a picture of me and him, I smiled at the picture holding it in my hand, I set it down back to its place and look around his room. I walk up to his wardrobe and open it to see a black box that was tied with a red ribbon and there was a note ' To Hannah' I get the box out and set it on his bed, I untie the ribbon and slowly pull the lid on top.

" Oh my gosh" I whisper

My eyes go watery. He brought me my wedding dress for me already. I get up from the floor and pick the dress up, it was quite heavy, I started crying. My knees got wobbly I fell on the floor holding the dress in my hands, it was really beautiful.

" Darling"

I turn around to see Lisa crying there holding a box. She comes next to me and hands it over to me, I look at her and slow my breathing down, I let go off the dress and get the box, I open the lid to see bunches off envelopes, I look up at Lisa.
I open the envelope.

" He already do-done this?" I whisper and cry more

It was our card invitations for me and Ethan. I hold the card in my hand and cry more and more and more, Lisa puts her hand on my shoulder and bends down on her knee.

" I'm sorry sweetheart" she says
I grip on to her waist and hug her.
" I miss him" I say
She rubs my back
I pull away from the hug and get up from the floor, I put the dress away inside it's box, putting it back inside the wardrobe I hand Lisa the envelopes back, we both get out and I lock the door putting the key back inside it's little box giving it to Lisa. I rub my eyes and we both head downstairs.

" How did you know this?" I Ask
" Ethan told me all of this and told me to keep it a secret he wanted to surprise you" she says
" So he planned all of this, he got me my wedding dress, he got the card done" I say looking down
" Yeah" Lisa says
" Well, Thanks" I Say opening the door stepping outside " I would love to stay more but his waiting"

" It's Okay Hannah" she says

We both hug

" Bye"

" Bye Hannah"

I tried to make it sad
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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now