Part 59-60

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I pulled back. I was shock at my self. "What?" Beanie said. "Um nothing." I said. "Nicki I promise, I been wanting you, I'll treat you right, I won't hurt you, you a beautiful and intelligent girl. You different. That's what I like about you and you got that flavor." She said. I smiled. "I just feel a little weird, I never kissed a girl." I said. "If it feels weird that means your doing something right." Beanie said. "How does that make it right?" I said. "Because you never tried it, and your curious, because if you wasn't curious you would've stopped me before I even kissed you." She said.

Damn... she's right. I could've stopped her but I didn't. Maybe I am curious.

After Detention..

Me and beanie walked out the class room. "You drove today?" Beanie said. "Yes, did you?" I said. "Yea, I did." She said. I smiled. "Let me get your number." She said. "Okay" I said grabbing her phone and putting my number in it. "Ima text you, I'll see you tomorrow beautiful" she said. "See you." I said smiling.
"Wow. A girl, well she looks like a boy but im into a girl? Omg I really need to take a break, if she really likes and care about me she'll have to understand that I want to take things slow because I just got out of a relationship.

I walked on down the hallway and I see trill.
I kept walking.
"Nicki." He said.
*ignores him and keeps walking*
"Nicki you hear me!" He said.

I walked on outside and went to my car.
He walked outside behind me. I got in my car and cranked my car up. He kept waving his hands to make me stop. I didn't wanna talk to his ass so I turned my radio up and pulled off.

I went in town to this cute boutique to find me a few accessories and blouses.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hey baby girl how are you?"
"Hey ma!!!!! I'm fine how are you?" I said.
"Good baby. I caught a early flight, so I will be there in the morning instead of Friday." She said.
"Okay ma. I'm so ready to see you!"
I said.
"I'm ready to see you too baby, and I have good news." She said.
"What is it?" I said.
"Well somehow, my lawyer that's still in Atlanta where y'all are, is helping me with your dad. I have to go to court down there tomorrow. So while your at school I'll be finding out will they release your dad next week." She said.
"Oh my gosh! Mom! Your the best!" I said.
"Thanks baby, well I have to go, I'll see you in the morning. Have me some breakfast ready, I love you!" She said.
"I love you too" I said.
I hung up the phone.
"God thank you so much lord, your healing me slowly, and I appreciate it!" I said praying to myself.

Part 60

I got home about 6 pm and cleaned up and turned up the music in the house.
"Last day in this house being alone." I said to myself.
After I got done cleaning up I took a shower and finished up my chemistry assignment.
I laid in my bed thinking about what trill and Sevyn did to me. It was really fucked up.
"Hello?" I said
"Hey sis it's me" Nadia said.
"Hey Nadia how are you?" I said.
"I'm okay, i don't like it in here" she said.
"You only got a few more weeks." I said.
"Yes just me!" She said.
"What you mean?" I said.
"Lay parents paid these folks thousands to get her out of here, in order for her to be released she had to get out of the state of Georgia." She said.
"Wow!" I said.
"I know, I can't be mad, at least she got parents that care about her." She said.
"Did you call her?" I said.
"Yes I called her right after she left so she could tell me how she got out" she said.
"So where they moving to?" I said.
"To Hawaii. You know most of her family is Hawaiian so they live there." She said.
"Well I'll go see her before she leaves." I said.
"Yea, but I have to go now. I... I...I love you." She said.
"I love you too sis" I said.
I hung up.

"Wow, lay is moving." I said to myself.

Dang who calling now...

"Hello?" I said.
"I can hear the sass In your voice"
"Haha! Beanie!" I said laughing.
"Wassup baby." She said.
"Nothing much." I said smiling.
"Awe okay, I miss you" she said..
" I miss you too" I said.

We talked on the phone all night.
We fell asleep on the phone with each other. Man I haven't did that with someone in a longggggg time...


My alarm went off and I jumped up and went to brush my teeth and wash my face. I ranned down to the kitchen, pulled out the waffle maker and started making the waffles and frying bacon and scrambling eggs. I checked the time after I got done cooking breakfast for my mom and it was 7 o'clock.
"Let me go throw me some clothes on" I said.
I put on a black crop top with my black jeans, and my hair in a ponytail. I started doing my eyebrows and makeup. I put on my hoop earrings and ranned back downstairs.

"Cominggggg" I said racing to the door.
I opened the door.

"Mommmmmmmmmm" i said happy hugging her.
"Hey baby" she said hugging me back.
I missed my mom so much! I'm so glad that she's here.
"Girl your just growing up on me with this cute shape you got" she said smiling. I laughed "mom stop it, cmon In" I said smiling.
She walked in and put her luggage down. She headed to the kitchen, washed her hands and fixed her plate. We sat at the table and ate. "So I have to be at the court at 8:30" she said. "I have to be at school at 8" I said. "What time is it now?" She said. "7:30" I said. "Well you need to be headed there now!" She said smiling. "I know ma" I said getting up. "I'm gonna go shower" she said. "Okay ma. I'm about to head out, I love you I'll see you after school." I said grabbing my keys. "Okay baby I love you too." She said washing her plate out about to head upstairs.

I headed out the door and drove to school.
I walked in school and as soon as I got down the hallway I seen beanie . "Hey beautiful." She said. "Hey" I said blushing. "You  fell asleep on me last night." She said. "I'm sorry" I said smiling. "It's cool, cmon let me walk you to yo first period class." She said. "Okay ." I said.
We walked to my first period class and she gave me a hug. "See you in chemistry" she said winking at me walking off. I walked in my classroom at sat down at my desk. Sierra was sitting in some boy lap and we had a sub for the day so I was having a pretty good morning so far. My mom is in town, beanie got me feeling some type of way and no teacher, I'm digging this.

I got a text message

Trill: I love you
Me: leave me alone.
Trill: why?

I didn't reply back, I ain't got time for that hoe fuck him. besides I'm feeling Beanie.

Is it safe to say that I'm bisexual?

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