Chapter 2

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Cammie POV

Move-in day finally rolled around. 

Was I nervous? Yeah. Was I excited to get the hell out of there? Definitely. 

A few years ago I moved in with someone that I hardly knew. This apartment that I applied to live in had you fill out an ideal roommate form if you didn't already have a roommate. I didn't want to live alone but none of my friends were ready to move all the way out to LA, so I figured what the hell? They suggested a roommate to me and I had time to either accept or deny the offer. We really did hit it off at first, so obviously we were both quick to accept. For a couple months, Carly and I were attached at the hip. We did everything together. After that it escalated a little. We got drunk and hooked up once, and after that we kind of started to have a thing. It was fine for a bit, nothing serious, but it didn't take long for it to start going down hill. It took me a while to have the courage to leave, but here I am. 

I felt bad for anyone within earshot because these movers were obnoxious. For this early on a Sunday morning, they certainly did not care how loud there were being. They were banging furniture off the walls as they brought it in, slamming the doors of the moving trucks, talking and laughing loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. I was close to just telling them to leave and handling it all myself, even though I was a bit overwhelmed. 

After several trips back and forth, I was sweating and tired and ready to go take a nap on the couch that was poorly placed in my new living room. I decided to get the last box of things from my car, and leave the rest of it to the movers. I didn't even know anyone or anything else was in the hall until I knocked someone flat on their back. I immediately felt horrible. I didn't want to make a bad first impression on anyone. 

The girl groaned and shook the stuff off of her body. She was cute. She wore a black hat backwards, a ripped Harley shirt, a dark pair of jeans, and converse. Definitely gay. There was no doubt in my mind. It takes one to know one I guess, but knowing that she was gay only made me even more nervous. 

"Oh my god, I am so sorry." I said, frustrated with everything. She was nice. She didn't act angry at all, in fact she tried to make light humor about it. I was glad that I knew at least one of my neighbors was nice. And cute, too. She helped clean up the stuff that I spilled on her, and shot me a captivating smile before walking off like nothing had happened. I had bumped into her right in front of apartment B, the one across the hall from mine. I assumed that was hers.

After thinking about it, that name and face kind of seemed familiar to me. I couldn't think of where from, but I know I had heard of or seen her before. I'm sure it will come to me soon. 

I spent the next couple days getting settled in the apartment. I hardly left, I spent most of the time moving and unpacking. I was excited to be able to decorate this place on my own. The last place I had actually had to myself was my college dorm room, which isn't very exciting. This was  fresh start for me, especially considering how I've spent the last couple years. This time I wouldn't be so careless with who I let into my life. 


I promise the chapters will get longer once we get a little farther into it. Hope you like it so far, though!!

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