Chapter 28

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Cammie POV

Shannon and I have been together for almost 11 months now. Eleven months, give or take a few weeks here and there, of waking up to her smiling face. Our birthdays were coming up soon, and I wanted to plan something good. Shan had seemed to be getting bored of predictable things lately. She didn't like going out to restaurants all the time or having parties with a bunch of people at her old apartment. I needed to think of something special for our birthdays. 

A huge part of me wanted to make it a surprise. Shannon was always the one doing everything for me. She loved to surprise me with flowers or cook me dinner or play with my hair for hours on end, but she hardly ever let me do anything for her. Now was the time for her to know what it feels like. The only problem was, I knew she was try to beat me to it. 

"I'm planning our birthdays," I told her sternly while we washed dishes after supper. 

She squinted her eyes at me as if I were up to something, "okay?" She said hesitantly, "and what will we be doing?"

I shrugged. I had thought of a few ideas, but nothing stuck yet. "I thought we could maybe get away for a few days. Take a trip somewhere," I suggested. 

She nodded her head slowly, "why don't we all take a mini vacation? We can invite Amy and Ally and the whole crew."

"Yeah, totally!" I gave her my best fake smile. I had truly just wanted to do something special with her, but this could be fun. 

She had her hands submerged in the sink that was filled with water. She pulled one out and scooped a handful off the mountain of bubbles floating on the surface. She smirked as she turned to me and blew them in my face. I scrunched my nose up and crossed my eyes to look at the little cluster of bubbles stuck to the tip of my nose. She chuckled at me. "So what do you have in mind?" She continued. 

I thought for a minute. Up until now I had been planning ideas for just the two of us. Bringing a whole slew of people kind of changes things. I thought of things that would be more exhilarating and thrilling than just laid back. Shannon was always up for an adventure, but there wasn't much to do around here that she hadn't done already. "Let's go skydiving," I said without even thinking about how scary that will be. 

As soon as the words left my mouth I had hoped she would shoot the idea down. Her eyes bugged out of her head and a huge grin spread across her face, "really? Cammie that would be so cool!" 

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "Cool wouldn't be my first word choice, but it will definitely be interesting."

She laughed at my immediate nervousness and wiped her wet hands on a towel so she could wrap them around me. "Hey, it will be fun. I'll hold your hand and we can do it together," she pulled one hand away from the hug and intertwined her fingers with mine. 

She raised her eyebrows at me as if she was waiting for confirmation that I actually was willing to do this. I looked at her for a moment and the sparkle of excitement in her eyes was enough for me. I sighed, "fine," I said, smiling at her giddiness. 

It was all she could do not to jump up and down. She kissed me a few times and then went to grab her phone. I'm assuming to call Amy and tell her about the plans. 

I was a little bummed that I had spent so long envisioning a romantic trip with just the two of us, but as we neared the time for the trip with all of our friends I started to get more excited. Amy and Ally agreed to come with us, along with Meghan, Jess, Jack, and even Sophie. I wasn't too stoked about that last part, but there wasn't much I could do about it. 

I didn't expect everyone to want to do something major, but they decided they wanted to go all out. We all agreed that Hawaii would be the best place to go. None of us had ever been, so it made it even more exciting. 

A Happy Ending (Shannon and Cammie)Where stories live. Discover now