Chapter 18

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Shannon POV

"Do you think it's too soon?" I nervously asked, pacing back and forth in the kitchen. 

"You've been together for like 6 months, and you basically already act like a married couple. What are you so worried about?" Amy plainly stated, like it was no big deal. 

"Seven, actually. And I know, but what if she doesn't want to live together," I started having doubts. Cammie and I had been doing really well lately and we practically spent all of our time together already. I was already thinking about getting my own place before I even met her, but I put that on hold because I liked living so close to her. Now, Amy's cousin is moving to LA and I would feel bad if I didn't let her take my room. I'm just nervous that Cammie will say no when I ask her to move with me. 

Amy and Meghan both looked at each other and then at me, "Shan, she loves you. She'll probably cry tears of joy when you ask her." The fact that they were so sure helped a little bit, but I couldn't help but worry. 

After a short pep talk from my soon-to-be former roommates, I walked across the hall to Cammie's place. I knocked once, no answer. I began to get deja vu before she came rushing to the door. She opened it with a towel wrapped around her and her hair dripping wet. 

"Hey!" She said, opening the door wider so that I could come in.

"Hey yourself," I chuckled, looking at her barely covered body. 

She blushed and walked back into her room to get some clothes on. She came back out in a hoodie, my hoodie, and a pair of comfy pants. "Why is it I find you the hottest when you barely try?" I asked in amazement. There was just something so sexy about her in my clothes. Or maybe it was just her in general. 

She blushed, coming to sit next to me on the couch. She gave me a quick kiss, "what's up? I thought you were busy tonight."

"I was, but there was this girl that I wanted to kiss," I smiled and gave her a longer kiss. "And there was something I uh- wanted to talk to you about." 

She looked a little nervous, probably because she could tell I was, too. "What is it?"

"So, I've been thinking and I think I'm going to be moving out soon. Like, get my own place," I fiddled with my fingers a bit. 

She pouted, "we're not going to be neighbors anymore?" She asked in a baby voice. 

"Well, um- maybe you'd want to.. live with me?" I nearly choked getting the words out of my mouth. 

I looked up to her and her eyes widened and then she moved her gaze from my eyes. "Shan I- I don't know," she said. I felt my heart break. I felt bad for even asking her and putting her in that situation. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even asked," I shook my head, embarrassed, and started to stand up from the couch. 

"Shan, wait," she pulled me back down next to her, "I'm kidding. Of course I want to," she smiled now. Laughing a bit because I actually believed that she would say no. 

"Really?" My eyes widened and I couldn't help but let a smile grow across my face. She nodded and I pulled her in and kept kissing her. "I'm so excited," I said unable to stop smiling. 

She giggled, "I can't wait to wake up next to you every morning." 

Within the next few days I had already decided on my new place. Our new place. I had been looking at places for a couple weeks now anyway, so it wasn't hard to narrow it down. I decided on a condo right here in LA. It was cute and quiet, two bedrooms, brand new. It was so nice and I was so excited to move in. 

It was nearing the end of the week, my last week in the apartment. Of course, we couldn't leave without a proper going away party. Amy, Meghan, and the whole crew planned a party. The number of parties we were having had lessened since I started seeing Cammie, so this one was going to be big. 

I opened the door in one of the many trips to and from my car, but this time I nearly ran into an unfamiliar brunette when I did. "Uh, hey," I said, questionably, wondering who she was. 

"I'm sorry, we haven't met. I'm Sophie, Amy's cousin!" She had a lively voice. Her hair was dark and wavy, it fell down past her shoulders. She had muddy brown eyes and flashy white teeth. She looked innocent and cheerful. 

"No need to apologize, I'm Sha-" I began but she cut me off. 

"Shannon. I know who you are, trust me. Amy told me I'm taking over your old room," her smile was contagious, I couldn't help but return it. 

I nodded, "that's true. My girlfriend and I are getting our own place." She backed down at the mention of me having a girlfriend, and I realized what was happening here. I had been with Cammie so long, I guess I had forgotten how to detect when someone was flirting with me. 

I cleared my throat, "speaking of which, I've got some moving to do. It was nice meeting you," I smiled politely. 

She nodded, smiling back at me, "it sure was." 

I spent the rest of the day clearing my room, making way for Sophie's things. Cammie and I were gradually moving stuff into the new place. We weren't supposed to actually stay there until tomorrow night, after our moving-out party, but we couldn't wait any longer. 

"I want to stay tonight, Shan," she begged. 

I grinned at her, "I think we should." 

We decided to start unpacking at getting all of our stuff in place a day early. I was getting more and more excited with every passing moment. Filling up our closet, her clothes on the left, mine on the right. Decorating each of our night stands, she insisted on having the right side of the bed. Deciding how to arrange our living room. I was beyond excited to share a space with her. To share a life with her. 

We were knee deep in boxes. They were spread out all over the floor, some empty, some still untouched. I noticed Cam unpacking a box of random stuff from my old room. Honestly, some of it was stuff I had hardly touched since I moved to LA. "Cam, we don't even need to go through that stuff. It can all go in storage," I told her to save her from wasting time. 

Regardless, she had already removed a few things. It was really just old pictures frames and some miscellaneous knick-knacks. I was beginning to feel a little nostalgic watching her take things out of the box. It reminded my of growing up in Dallas. I sat down next to her and we went through some of the stuff together. "Who's this?" She asked, pointing at the photo in a dusty picture frame. 

I laughed a little, "Cammie, that's me. Thank God my hair doesn't look like that anymore." She busted out laughing. It was a picture of me from when I was about two years old and my hair was a literal afro. 

"What about this?" She asked and I felt my heart skip a beat when she pulled out the next picture frame. 

I hadn't see her face in years. I swallowed hard, "that's her, Cam." 

Her facial expression changed a bit. It was sad at first, but then she tried to smile. "She's pretty," she said and kissed my forehead. 

I took the picture frame and looked at it for a few more seconds before placing it the pile of things to be packed back up. Cam reached over me and grabbed it out of the pile. She blew the dust off of it and placed it on the stand next to our couch. "It's okay to think about her, Shan. She was a part of your life, you don't have to pretend she wasn't just because of me." 

I felt myself tear up a bit. "Thank you so much, Cammie," I smiled at her. A tear fell, but it was a happy tear. 

She wiped it off my cheek and gave me a kiss, "you don't have to thank me." 


Ahhhhh. I'm so sorry this is a short chapter and it took so long to upload. I was busy all weekend with schoolwork and then there was a storm Sunday night and I've been without power or internet since. I wanted to get something up for you guys at least, I promise I'll make it up to you guys when things aren't so hectic!!

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