Chapter 16

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Cammie POV

I woke up in paradise laying next to my girlfriend. The light barely shined through the curtain, but it was enough to wake me up. I didn't realize it last night, but we had a perfect view of the Empire State Building. 

Shannon loves to sleep in, so I figured I would let her. Normally I would pester her in the morning until she just couldn't take it anymore, but we were on vacation. Plus, she looked super cute when she was sleeping. 

I got myself ready enough to go out and get coffee. I left Shannon a note, but I highly doubt she'd wake up before I got back. 

As I was walking the streets, I realized New York was much nicer when viewed from behind the glass screens of giant buildings. I had been here many times before, but somehow every time I forgot how bad it actually smells. I mean, everywhere you walk smells like a sewer. I love the city, but damn. I feel like I have to plug my nose whenever I'm outside. 

Regardless of its putrid scent, New York was a beautiful city. Day or night, it would take your breath away. I was so incredibly grateful to be visiting such an amazing place with such an amazing girl. 

To absolutely no one's surprise, Shannon was still sound asleep when I returned to the hotel. Noon was fast approaching now, and I'm sure her mom was chomping at the bit to spend time with her so I figured it best to wake her up. 

"Shannonnnn," I waved the cup of coffee in front of her face. 

She started to open her eyes a bit, rubbing them to wake herself up. She looked at the coffee and then at me, "you know, coffee is good, but I like it when you wake me up with your kisses better." 

I smiled, "you dork." I gave her a kiss and pulled the blanket off of her, "come on, we have a city to explore." 

Hours later, Shannon had finally showered and spent an ungodly amount of time straightening her hair. Lunch time had came and went, but it wasn't nearly time for dinner yet. We decided to just take a walk around Times Square and meet up with her mom and sister. 

When we got downtown, they still weren't there because they had got stuck in traffic. Shan and I decided to just shop around a bit. I dragged her into a cute little clothing store and she was nagging me to leave the whole time. 

I held a shirt up in front of me. "Do you think this would look good?" I asked. 

"Yeah, you'd look good in anything babe," she replied after taking a quick glance, she just wanted to leave. There was a store down the road that she couldn't wait to look at, but she didn't want to go without me. 

"Well, I still want to try it on, come on," I took her hand and made her follow me to the dressing room. It was completely empty, so I just made her come in the stall with me. 

I took my shirt off and pulled the other one over my body. I took one look in the mirror and hated it, so I stripped it off. All the while Shannon had been looking at her phone, paying no attention to what was happening. She looked up as I was taking the shirt off. "Well that was quick," she said, surprised. 

"It didn't look good on me," I said, a bit disappointed. 

She smirked, "well it looks damn good off of you." She let her eyes wander down my topless body. 

"We are in public, Shannon," I said as she put her hands around my waist. I couldn't help but smile, it was hot seeing her like that. 

"No one's even in here," she laughed, leaning down to kiss me. 

I returned the kiss. It was soft at first, but then she tried to deepen it. She brushed her tongue along my bottom lip and I could hardly resist her. Before I knew it we were in an intense make out session standing in a dressing room. She kissed my neck, she always knew just where to kiss me to drive me crazy. I tried to stay quiet, but it was hard. She pulled at the button on my pants and eventually slipped her hand in. 

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