Chapter 5

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Shannon POV

I have been really enjoying getting to know Cammie. She is adorable, and I can't help but think it is so cute when I catch her staring or when I make her blush. 

It's nice now. We feel so much more comfortable around each other, and we are past that awkward phase. She has been staying here for almost a week now, and tonight is her last night. Part of me is a little sad that she won't be staying here anymore. I know that she lives right next door, but I don't know. I like having her here. 

We're going out tonight with Amy, Meghan, Jess, and a few others. "You almost ready Cam?" I asked, sitting on my bed as she got ready in my bathroom. 

"Yeah, I'm ready." She said and came out into my room. 

I finished fixing the buttons on my flannel and stood up. I looked at her and almost lost my breath. "Damn," I said, accidentally out loud. Once again, I saw her blush, even though I kind of wish she hadn't heard what I said. I cleared my throat and followed her out of the room and down the stairs. She smirked at how awkward I got. 

We walked downstairs and saw everyone else waiting in the living room. "Damn, you guys look hot," Amy cheered. It made it sound like we were a couple, and for a second I kind of liked that idea. Cam and I did  look pretty good together. 

When we got to the bar we immediately started downing the drinks. It had been a while since I actually partied, so tonight I was letting it all out. We all took a couple shots together, and then ordered our own individual drinks. Cammie had a few drinks before we left, so I noticed her start to get tipsy pretty quick. It didn't take me long to catch up, though. 

A song I didn't recognize came on, and Cam jumped out of her seat. "I love this song!!" She screamed. She stumbled a bit getting down from her stool and almost fell. I grabbed her arm and she pushed a hand on my thigh to stabilize herself. Without moving her hand she got a little closer to me. "Will you come dance with me?" She asked, a little shy. I couldn't say no, even if my dancing skills were horrible. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her, she immediately got excited and pulled my onto the dance floor, my hand in hers. 

When we finally pushed through enough people to find a place to dance, she spun us around, but didn't drop my hand. The song was already halfway finished when we got there, but she still wanted to dance. We slowly got closer and closer. I placed a hand softly on her hip, and eventually the other one, too. A couple songs later we were almost chest to chest. The next song slowed down a bit, but not quite to a slow dance. 

She loosely wrapped her arms around my neck. I noticed she was nodding into my chest a bit, almost as if she was falling asleep. "Cam," I picked up her head a bit, "are you tired? We can go whenever you want?" She sighed. I knew she didn't want the night to end, but she started drinking pretty early so she was already exhausted. She nodded and I led her out of the crowd. 

Amy, Meghan, and Jess left with Ally. I called us an Uber and it showed up pretty quick. I don't think she meant to, but Cammie kept resting her head on my shoulder when we were in the car. I rested my head on hers and nearly fell asleep before we reached the apartment. I led Cammie inside and noticed that Ally was passed out on the couch. 

"Great," I mumbled under my breath. Cammie looked and saw Ally. 

"You can just sleep with me, Shannon." She said, slurring her words. 

I shook my head. "I don't know if that's a good idea," I didn't want her to regret letting me sleep in there, not that anything would happen. 

"Well your only other option is the floor, and I'm not letting you sleep there." She looked at me, "One condition, though. You have to carry me because I don't think I can walk upstairs." She chuckled to herself and leaned against the railing. I laughed and picked her up bridal style. She wrapped her arms around my neck. As I walked her to my room, I could feel her breathing down my neck and it sent chills down my spine. 

I laid her down on my bed and covered her over. I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom, when I came out, Cam had taken off most of her clothes and thrown them on the floor. I grabbed one of my hoodies and slipped it over her so she wouldn't wake up half naked and wonder what happened. Knowing she wouldn't feel well in the morning I grabbed her some medicine and a bottle of water. 

"Cam," I shook her a bit, "drink some water, you'll thank me in the morning." She sat up a bit and I handed her the medicine. She took it and the water and sat still for a moment. I was surprised when she pulled me in for a hug. She didn't say anything, she just hugged me and I hugged her back. When we pulled away, our faces were inches apart. I could feel her breath on my lips and I wanted so badly to close the gap, but I knew I couldn't. I knew that if I did, she wouldn't remember it tomorrow. I wanted it to happen so bad, just not like that. 

I slid into my side of the bed and got comfortable. Moments later I felt Cammie lay her head on my shoulder. She started mumbling something but I couldn't exactly tell what. 

"Shannon," I head her whisper. I looked at her without answering. "I like you," she said as she was dozing off. 

I smiled to myself. "I like you, too, Cammie," I said, even though she had probably already fallen asleep. 

A Happy Ending (Shannon and Cammie)Where stories live. Discover now