Chapter 23

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Cammie POV

"Talk to me," I tried but there was no use. Ever since I told her she's been a ghost. The color went from her face and she can hardly do anything other than cry. 

She stayed home last night. I held her while she cried but then eventually she just stopped. It wasn't because she was done being sad, she just physically couldn't do it anymore. She didn't have the energy to cry so her body just slumped into me. I tried comforting her but deep down I knew there was nothing I could do. 

She sat at the end of our bed, staring at the wall. She held a picture of her and her dad in her hand. "I have to go home, Cam," her voice was low and raspy. 

Early yesterday, Shan's dad had been admitted to the hospital. No one even knew he had been sick, but by the time they found out it was too late. He had a tumor pressing on his upper spine and apparently had neglected the pain until it was unbearable. Unfortunately he waited too long. They said he was only at the hospital for a few hours before he died. Everyone was calling us but we had no idea since we turned our phones off. I know Shannon feels horrible about it, but it's not her fault. I wish she wouldn't blame herself. 

"Of course, Shannon. That's not even a question," I assured her. I was going to be here for her every step of the way. I got up out of bed and walked around until I was standing in front of her. 

She couldn't even look at me, she just broke down again. "I can't do this," she sobbed into my chest. I held onto her as tight as I could. 

While Shannon tried her best to get herself ready, I booked us tickets to Dallas. I packed the majority of our bags so Shan wouldn't have to worry about anything and made all the arrangements for the next week or so. 

"Babe," I spoke to Shannon. She hadn't said much of anything to me all day and it wasn't healthy. She stood, staring in the mirror in the bathroom with her arms resting on the counter. She didn't acknowledge me at all. "Shannon?" I said again. 

"What the fuck do you want me to say, Cammie?" She snapped at me. There were tears in her eyes but she wasn't sobbing anymore. She was just angry. 

I felt myself tear up, but I tried to hold it back. I walked up to her slowly, trying not to make her anymore angry. "Hey, I just want to help you, okay?" I tried to talk soothingly. "You have to let me be here for you. Don't get mad at me for wanting to do that."

She pulled her hands up and ran them through her hair. I could tell she wanted to cry. "This is so hard," she said, softer this time. She leaned up against the counter so I walked in front of her. I gently pulled at her waist and she looked me in the eyes. "I need you," she said before starting to cry again. 

I just nodded and pulled her into me. I wiped her tears away and had each hand on her cheek. "I'm going to be right here, I promised you that," I said and kissed her. I was surprised when she kissed me back, but it let me know she was still in there somewhere. 

Hours later we were boarding our flight to Dallas. Shannon obviously still wasn't herself, but she won't be for a while. I held her hand the whole car ride to the airport, and the entire flight. I wanted her to know that I wasn't going to let her go. When we landed, her grip on my hand tightened and she took a deep breath before getting out of her seat. It felt like we waited years for them to open the doors and for us to get out of the terminal. We finally made it out of the airport and her mom and sister were waiting for us. 

I had a bit of deja vu in that moment, seeing them standing there. It reminded me of when we visited New York and I first met them. This time there weren't smiles on their faces, though. Her mom looked broken and her sister began sobbing as soon as she saw Shannon. I let them all have their moment. They shared long hugs and cried on each other's shoulders before turning to grab our luggage and leaving. The car ride was long and quiet. Shannon leaned on the door in the back of the car, aimlessly staring out the window. She wasn't holding my hand anymore. 

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