Chapter 4

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Cammie POV

I feel a little weird staying with Shannon and her roommates since I've never even met them before. Shan has been super nice, though, so it makes me feel better. She takes my bags for me and I follow her to the door. She opens it for me, which I think is super sweet. Her apartment is set up similar to mine, but her's has a second story. She leads me up the stairs to her room. 

"So, obviously I didn't plan for company. I apologize in advance for the mess." She scratched the back of her neck before opening her door. When she did it looked like a bomb had gone off. There were clothes scattered on the floor and bed. Her blankets were strewn about. 

I let out a small giggle when I saw her room. "You're so messy, Shannon. How do you live like this?" I teased. 

She flicked my arm, "hey, maybe I should've made you stay in that hotel after all," she shot back. 

"Okay fair enough," I smiled. "I really do appreciate you doing this," I said, more seriously.

"It's not a problem, really." She smiled at me. She set my things next to her door and started cleaning up her room. She picked up and folded her clothes, and hung some of them in the closet. After about ten minutes of her organizing and me teasing her, she had made her room look presentable. She grabbed some sheets from her closet and stripped the other ones off her bed. She told me I could sleep in her bed, and that she would sleep on the couch downstairs. 

Shan carried her old sheets and some clothes downstairs, I assume to wash them. I followed behind her. Her roommates were sitting on the couch, and turned to look at us when we walked down. They looked at me, then at the blankets, then at Shannon and smirked at her. 

"Oh, its uh- it's not what it looks like guys," Shannon got a little nervous. 

"Sure thing Shan," one of them said and winked at her. Shannon kicked her foot and gave her a look when we walked by. 

Shannon dropped her blankets in the laundry room and went back out to the living room. "Amy, Meghan. This is Cammie," Shannon began. When she said my name their eyes widened. "She lives across the hall but she's staying with us for a couple days while her apartment gets exterminated. Cam, this is Amy, and this is Meghan." She pointed at two girls that looked strikingly similar, but easily told apart. 

They both smiled and gave me a polite, "nice to meet you," and that was that. 

"Are you hungry?" Shannon asked as we walked into the kitchen. I shrugged. She searched through the cabinets but didn't seem to find anything appealing. "IHOP?" She suggested. 

"Yes, I love IHOP!" I said with a smile. 

"Damn, Shan. That's your kind of girl," I heard from the living room. 

Shannon smirked. "I told you guys she was cool," she said but she was looking at me and shot me a wink before getting up and grabbing her keys. I felt my cheeks get a little warm and tried to hide the fact that I was blushing, but I don't think it worked. 

We got out to the parking lot and my jaw dropped when I saw Shannon's car. "Damn, nice wheels, Shan." I said in awe of the white Camaro with black stripes. 

Shannon showed a proud smile and opened the passenger door for me. "Be easy with her, she's my baby." She winked at me. 

She got in and we started to drive. She drove with one hand on the top of the steering wheel and the other resting on the gear shifter. I couldn't help but find her extremely attractive. She's just so confident in the way she carries herself and it makes her hot. 

She started smirking and chuckled a bit and that's when I realized I was staring. "What're you looking at?" She laughed. I immediately got red and looked away. "It's okay, I'm used to girls staring." She winked and bit her bottom lip a bit. I just looked away and tried to hide the fact that she made me nervous.

We got to IHOP and it wasn't super busy. We sat down and both already knew what we were getting. When the waitress came over Shannon got uneasy. She looked away, I'm assuming to try and hide her face, but it didn't work. 

"Shannon Beveridge," the girl sounded angry. She gave me a dirty look and then looked back at Shannon, who stood up and walked away with her. They didn't walk far, I could still see and partially hear them. The waitress sounded mad. 

"She is just a friend. Stop freaking out." Shannon said. 

"Yeah, well I'm 'just a friend' too, apparently," the waitress shot back. Ouch. Shannon shook her head and sat back down. 

"I'm sorry about that, she's just a friend of mine." Shannon said, obviously lying. 

"Well your friend seems a little jealous," I said, stating the obvious. 

"Well she doesn't have a right to be. We've hooked up a couple times, but she's not my girlfriend and she was never going to be." Shannon said, sounding a little angry. 

A different waiter came to our table and took our order. It was quiet for a while, but before our food came, Shannon spoke up. "I'm sorry about that. Sometimes I hate myself for the reputation I've created. I promise it wasn't anything you did." She gave me a weak smile. I couldn't help but wonder what this "reputation" was exactly, but I'm assuming it had something to do with hooking up with a lot of girls. 

"It's fine, Shannon. You don't owe me an explanation." I said softly. 

"I want you to know, though. We're just getting to know each other and that's not the person I want you to think I am." She said and sounded very genuine. 

After that we really did get to know each other. We spent the rest of the day hanging out. When we got back to her apartment, I even got to know her roommates a little bit. The next couple days went about the same way. When Shannon and I weren't working, we were going to the gym or the beach and just learning things about each other. I was starting to really get used to her company, and I can't say I wasn't enjoying it. 

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