Chapter 36

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Cammie POV

The following week was spent moving boxes from my apartment to our apartment. While Shannon was working, I would go grab a few things and start moving them in. While I was working, Shannon would reorganize her things to make room for mine. We both had busy weeks, so it made the move-in process drag on a little bit. 

Shannon was at a meeting for the majority of the day. They were discussing another event for her short film. The last few did so well that they wanted to do another showing in LA and have Shannon talk about her story. The event was aimed at supporting LGBTQ+ youth, and I was so proud of Shannon for being a part of that. 

While Shannon was out for the day, I moved the rest of the things from my old apartment. Turning in my keys to that place was the best feeling. I liked the apartment, but there were no good memories. Most of my nights there were spent sobbing in my bed because I missed Shannon so much. I was ready to leave that in the past. 

Sorting through all of our things was a nightmare. When I moved out, Shan rearranged everything and obviously occupied all of the space with her things, no longer leaving space for mine. She tried to reorganize to make space again, but she wasn't very good at it so I still ended up doing most of it. 

I started with our bedroom. I moved all her clothes to one side of the closet, all of her bathroom stuff to one side of the sink. She had even put her things in both of the nightstands on either side of the bed. I assumed she still wanted to keep the same side of the bed she had last time, so I took all of her things out of my nightstand to put them in hers. 

I opened the nightstand on her side and something caught my eye. It glistened in the light, or else I probably would have missed it. I picked it up and the memories all came flooding back. 



"I love you," she mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

I picked my head up and kissed her, "I love you, too." I nestled my head back into her chest afterwards.

"So, Cam, I've been thinking a lot about what we said earlier," she began and I felt her heartbeat speed up. It made me a little bit nervous so I picked my head up and looked at her while she talked. She looked nervous, too. "About us still being together a year from now," she continued, "and I realized, I don't just want to be with you a year from now. I want to be with you forever. I'm so in love with you and if I've learned anything from this life, it's that you should always say what's on your mind when you have the chance."

She started to sit up and fiddle with her hands. "Shannon-," I didn't even know what to say. I wasn't even sure what she was trying to say, if I'm being honest.

She pulled something out of her pocket and held it in front of me. "Cammie, will you marry me?" She asked, holding a diamond ring. 

The ring was gorgeous. It sparkled in the light from the setting sun. The moment was so perfect, so why did it feel so wrong? Why couldn't I say yes?


I felt a tear fall to my cheek and it snapped me out of my daze. I admired the ring up close for the first time. Inside the band I noticed that she had something engraved. The only other time I had seen it was when she proposed, and I ran away too quickly to notice. I turned it to get a better view, and I noticed it said, "I'll love you always. - Shan." 

I nearly dropped the ring when I heard our front door open. I threw it back in her drawer and left the other things on the bed, closing it before she came in the room. "Babe," she yelled, "you home?" 

A Happy Ending (Shannon and Cammie)Where stories live. Discover now