Chapter 14

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Cammie POV

Everyday. Everyday for two weeks there is a knock at my door around 10 am. She knocks once, waits a second, knocks again, and then leaves. A few minutes later I open the door to see a gift sitting on the floor. Some days it's a bouquet of flowers, other days it's a teddy bear, she got me a necklace the other day. But everyday, there is a letter with it. And everyday, she tells me she loves me. 

For the first couple days the letters were an apology for what happened, and then she promises she's not the same. After that, though, they turned into love letters. She tells me her favorite things about me and how she sees a future together. I cry reading every single one of them. 

Just like clockwork, 10 am rolls around and I hear the first knock at my door. I can tell some days that she gets her hopes up, because I hear a defeated sigh after the first knock goes unanswered. Today was one of those days. She knocks again, but this time I can't handle letting her leave. My heart is pounding as I walk to the door. 

I open it and her eyes light up, "Cammie-" She doesn't even know what to say. 

"Hi, Shan," honestly, neither do I.

I can tell she doesn't know whether to be happy or sad. A smile started to spread across her lips when I opened the door, but I think she expected me to run into her arms, and when I didn't, the smile faded. "How are you?" She asks.

I shrug, and she nods. 

"I miss you, Cam," she says blankly in a softer tone. 

I sigh. I miss her, too, but I'm just not ready. The shock of finding out that Shannon was the one who Carly cheated on me with for so long was heartbreaking. I wanted to love Shannon, I didn't want to see her as that person because I know she's not, but it's hard. She's just a reminder of how I wasn't good enough for Carly. "Shan, I miss you, too. It's just- it's not that simple." 

She nods, hanging her head a bit. "I understand. But I still want you in my life," she bargains. 

"That's going to be hard," I remind her. It's going to be hard for both of us. 

She shakes her head, "it can't be any harder than this." She points to the pink roses in a vase next to the door and then hands me the letter that she still held in her hand. 

I gave her a soft smile, "friends?" I winced just hearing that word come out of my own mouth. 

She hesitated for a moment as if she was having a mini argument within herself. She then gave me a forced half smile and nodded slightly, "for now." 

I couldn't help but smile hearing her confidence show through. She smiled, too. "I'll see you later, Cam," she said before heading back into her apartment.

I did the same, and couldn't get the smile off my face. I missed hearing her voice and seeing her. "What the hell am I doing," I barely whispered to myself. 

I turned around and opened the door, darting across the hallway to knock on hers. She had a confused look on her face when she opened the door. "Cam?" She said, with a bit of a laugh. 

"Fuck it," I said, more to myself. I pulled at the baggy sweatshirt she wore and her felt her body press into mine. "I love you, too," I whispered before pressing my lips to hers. 

She could hardly even kiss me back because all her lips could do was form a smile. "I love you, Cammie. I love you, so much," she said while pushing me back into my apartment. 

Shannon POV

I woke up with my head buried in my pillow. I sighed into the pillowcase. Every night since we broke up I had dreams that she took me back. There was this moment, just a second or two, when I woke up that felt like it was all real, but I knew it wasn't. I laid there for a moment, just wishing that the dream had actually come true. 

I sleepily reached my arm out to the other side of my bed, pulling a pillow into my body as if it were her. It even smelled a little bit like her. I started to doze back off, living in a fantasy that the dream was reality. 

I nearly fell out of bed when I heard the door open and in walked Cammie, wearing only my shirt and her underwear, holding a cup of coffee. 

She laughed, "what, did I scare you?"

"Yes, I thought it was another dream," I laughed, feeling like an idiot. 

She smiled and kissed my cheek, "Oh, so you have these dreams of me often, huh?" She bit her lip. 

"Don't do that to me, you know I can't handle it when you try to be sexy," I whined and she climbed back into bed next to me. 

She chuckled, "uh, clearly," she pulled the covers down enough to see that I was naked. 

We're both laughing when we hear a pounding at the door. "Seriously," I rolled my eyes. 

"I swear if this is another one of my ex girlfriends that you hooked up with, you're dead," she said while getting up and putting her pants on. 

"Very funny." 

She walked out and opened the door. I heard Amy, breathing frantically, "Cammie, you have to help me. Something happened to Shannon. She left this morning to bring stuff to your door and never came back and she's not answering her phone and-" she kept rambling, seriously thinking I had been kidnapped. By this time I had pulled my sweatshirt and pants on and walked out of Cammie's bedroom. 

"Oh," Amy stopped what she was saying. She then looked at what both of us were wearing and the fact that our hair was messy. "OH," she said, mildly grossed out. "I'm sorry, uh, have fun. Congrats," she said awkwardly before leaving. 

I scratched the back of my neck and laughed, too. "It's good to know I have somebody looking out for me," I said, optimistically. 

Cammie let a giggle escape her lips, I couldn't help but smile. "I missed that giggle," I smiled at her. 

"I missed you," she said, pulling at my waist. She wrapped her arms around me and enveloped me in a hug. I put mine around her neck and rested my chin on her head. I felt her smile into my chest, and that was all I needed. She had my heart. 

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