Chapter 38

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Cammie POV

It's been two years since Shannon and I got married. We've had some good times and some bad times, but nothing that we couldn't overcome. I fall more in love with her everyday, but I just feel like something is missing. 

"Babe," I called to her from the living room. She had just taken a shower. 

She came out dressed in comfy clothes, drying her hair with a towel. "What's up, beautiful?" She asked and leaned down to kiss my forehead. 

"I wanted to talk to you about something," I told her. 

Her eyes widened and she sat down next to me. "Uh, oh," she said nervously. 

I shook my head and chuckled a little at how worried she got. "It's not that bad, Shan. I'm not going to leave you or anything," I reassured her and she heaved a sigh of relief. "it's just- I've been thinking-"

"Spit it out, Cam. You're freaking me out," she told me impatiently. 

"I want to have a baby," I said. 

She was clearly taken aback. She raised her eyebrows and breathed out heavily. It was a big decision, something we had never really talked about before. I wasn't even sure I wanted kids for a long time, I just figured I would know when I was settled down. That time has come and I feel like that is what's missing in our relationship.

She thought for a moment and then a soft smile appeared on her face. "Let's have a baby, Cam," she said. She was nearly beaming now. I was surprised. I thought that she wouldn't be ready and we would get in a huge fight over it. "I can't wait to have a little mini you running around. I want to be a mom with you, babe," she said and it made my heart melt. I nearly started crying. 

She pulled me into her and hugged me tight. I could tell that the more she thought about having a baby, the more excited she got, and that made me the happiest girl on the planet. 

We spent the next few weeks doing a lot of research and planning before actually getting pregnant. We talked a lot about who would carry the baby and how the artificial insemination process would go. Mutually, we decided that I would carry the baby and if we decided to have another one in the future, then Shannon would carry it. It was a difficult decision to make, considering only one of us will be the biological parent. Shannon was so courageous about it, though. She reminded me over and over again that she didn't need the baby to have her DNA, she would love it no matter what because it would be ours. 

About two months after we initially decided we would try to get pregnant, it was officially time to get it done. After a series of appointments to make sure I was healthy and to pick a donor, we finally reached the date. 

"Shannon," I was laid on the hospital bed waiting to go in. "I love you," I told her when she came closer to me. 

She leaned down and kissed my lips. "I can't wait to start a family with you, Cam," she leaned her forehead against mine. I could hear it in her voice that she was on the verge of tears. "I love you so much," she told me and kissed me again before they wheeled me into the operating room. 

Shannon POV

I paced back and forth outside the bathroom while Cammie was in there. "Come on, Cam. How long do these things take?" I said impatiently. I nervously bit my nails. 

She opened the door to the bathroom and chuckled at me a little bit. "Four more minutes," she said. She placed the stick face down on the counter and pulled me closer to her. "Shan, look at me," she said and picked my chin up to meet her eyes. 

"I'm just so nervous, Cam. What if it didn't work?" I told her, worriedly. 

She brushed my hair behind my ears. "If it doesn't work we can try again, babe. Or we can adopt. There are so many more ways we can start our family, don't panic, okay?" 

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