Chapter 26

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Cammie POV

"What should I do?" I begged for answers that I could only truly give myself. 

Amy shrugged, "what do you want?" 

It was a simple question, but the answer wasn't so simple, "I want Shannon, but I can't just act like it's okay that she cheated. I feel like I'm not allowed to forgive her."

"Do you?" 

I thought for a minute, "I think so." 

Since Shannon told me about what happened, we've been trying to be civil with each other. It has actually been okay. We still live together, we just don't sleep in the same bed. It's hard. I just want it to be over, I want her to hold me again. Sometimes, when I'm laying in bed, I just want to go lay with her and kiss her. It's only been two weeks though. Is that too soon to forgive your girlfriend for sleeping with someone else? The old Shannon is coming back. The one that I fell in love with. I think I can forgive her. 

I left Amy's to go back to my apartment. When I got there, Shannon was sitting on the couch watching TV. She smiles at me and I smile back. It surprisingly hasn't been as awkward as I had imagined. She's slowly becoming herself again. Sometimes she'll subtly flirt with me and it makes my heart do a million flips. I know she knows it drives me crazy, which is probably why she does it. 

"You look nice," she gives me a flirty smile. Okay, sometimes it isn't so subtle. 

I blush, because I always blush when I'm with her, "stop doing that."

She had gotten up from the couch at this point and come into the kitchen where I was putting a few things away that I had picked up at the store. She leaned up against the counter, resting on her elbow, "do what?" She smiled, obviously pretending not to get it. 

"Flirting with me," I turned away from her, trying to be serious.

She got a little more serious, now, too, "maybe I don't want to." 

I tried so hard not to smile, but I could hardly hold it back, "well I guess I'll just have to deal with it then, huh?" 

She smiled at me now and I smiled back. There was a long pause where we just stared into each other's eyes, smiling. I caught myself wanting to walk over to her and kiss her, but I was snapped out of my trance by a phone ringing. It was Shannon's phone. She came over towards me to grab it because it was across the counter. When she reached for it, she let her hand brush against my hip softly. She picked it up and immediately turned away so that I couldn't see the screen. I had already seen it when it was ringing, though. Someone named Sam was calling her. She got uneasy and told me she would be right back, going into the office to answer it. 

Of course I was being nosey, so I crept outside the door to see if I could hear them talking. I waited a second to make sure she wouldn't hear me, so I didn't get to hear the first part of the conversation. The first thing I heard, when I got close enough, was Shannon saying, "Sam, I told Cammie that I had sex with you that night." I felt my heart sink. Sam was the girl from Dallas. 

I froze. Over the past two weeks I had made so many excuses for Shannon. I had convinced myself that it was an accident and she wasn't being herself. All this time and they have probably still been talking. I felt like such an idiot for thinking that Shannon was actually sorry for what she had done. I started to cry, still standing outside the door. I didn't even care to listen anymore. I heard muffled sounds from inside the office, then she started opening the door. 

I didn't even bother trying to hide that fact that I had been eavesdropping. She opened the door and saw me. Her face was pale. She started to speak but I slapped her. I wasn't even planning on it, but rage filled my body and I couldn't stop myself. She didn't get mad or anything. She just held her cheek, mouth wide open. "Cammie," she whimpered. 

A Happy Ending (Shannon and Cammie)Where stories live. Discover now