Chapter 15

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Shannon POV

My mom likes to neglect the fact that we're in different time zones, so I wake up to her call at 8 am. 

"Mom, you forget I'm two hours behind you. You woke me up," I groaned into the phone. 

She chuckled, "three hours, actually. I'm visiting Casey in New York!" She sounded chirpy on the phone, no matter the time of day. 

"That's nice, but why are you calling?" I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes, sitting myself up on the edge of the bed. 

"Well. I was thinking how nice it would be to spend time with both of you together, so I want to fly you out here for a few days," she said, without really giving me a choice. That was fine, though. I did miss her. 

I was so tired I had forgotten Cammie was in bed with me until I heard her start to wake up, "yeah, that sounds nice, mom. I'd love to," I said in a quieter tone. 

"Shan why are you whispering, I can hardly hear you," she questioned. 

I laughed a little, "it might be time for hearing aids mom. Cammie is asleep next to me, I'm trying not to wake her." 

"Oh, Cammie!! I'd love to meet the girl you hardly ever stop talking about. Why don't you bring her?" She always gets excited when I talk about Cammie. She hated my previous track record in the dating world, so she loves the girl that turned that around. Frankly, so do I.

I smiled at the thought of taking my first trip with Cam, and at the thought of finally introducing her to some of my family that she wouldn't have to scold, "I'll ask her, but can I go back to bed for now?" I whined. 

"Yes, honey. Can't wait to see you!!" She hung up the phone and it barely took me 60 seconds to fall back asleep. Apparently I'm not allowed to sleep this morning, though, because only an hour or so later, I wake up to Cam's cold feet on my back. I heard a giggle when I started to stir awake. "Get off," I groaned. 

She gasped, "well, good morning to you, too, grumpy."

I pulled a pillow over my head, "I just want to sleep!"

She sat up and straddled my waist, "you sure about that?" She questioned, while starting to kiss my neck. 

I let out a small "mmm," mostly because I didn't want her to stop. 

"That's what I thought," she said, still kissing me. 

I took the pillow off of my face and pulled Cammie's lips to mine. "Good morning, princess," I said against her lips. 

She smiled, "morning, baby." 

"I almost forgot," I began, "my mom called this morning. She wants us to come see her and Casey in New York for a few days." 

Cam's eyes widened and she blushed a bit, "our first trip together?" 

My heart fluttered at the sight of her getting excited to go on a trip with me. I nodded and gave her a big grin. 

"I'd love to, Shan," she said, kissing my forehead.

She was still straddling my waist so I laid her down on the other side of the bed and got on top of her. I kissed her neck a little bit until I could tell she was turned on. Then, I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and got up. 

"You're such a tease!" She protested as I started to walk out the door. 

"That's for waking me up with your cold feet," I laughed and went downstairs. 

That afternoon I let my mom know that Cam and I were going to come, so she booked the tickets. We both have pretty flexible schedules, so we just scheduled it for tomorrow. Cam was at her place packing, so I decided to do the same. When I was doing so, I realized that we were going to be in New York over our 4 month anniversary. I know four months isn't really anything special, and we also had that little break in there, but I still wanted to do something for Cam. The truth is, I loved having an excuse to spoil her. 

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