Chapter 12

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Shannon POV

Three weeks came and went. Lately I had spent less time at Cammie's apartment with her because I could hardly contain myself. I wanted her so bad, but I couldn't be the one to initiate anything. She had been giving me vibes lately, but I didn't want to try anything, just in case. 

We sat in the living room of my apartment with Amy, Meghan, Jess, and Ally. Tonight was Ally's birthday, so we were having a party for her. She didn't really like big crowds, but once we told her Stevie was coming she was all in. Her and Stevie had been flirting for months now, but neither of them had the balls to make a move. We all gave Ally a pep talk before people started showing up. Maybe, with a little liquid courage, tonight could be their night. I put a hand on Ally's shoulder, "just not in my bed, alright?" We both laughed. 

As people started flooding into our apartment, I realized that we hadn't had a party since Cammie had been around. My excitement for tonight dwindled when I saw at least two girls that I had hooked up with come in, and honestly there would probably be more. It was a reminder that normally these nights ended with me in bed with some random girl, but tonight that couldn't happen. I think Cammie started noticing the threat that all these girls presented, too, because she tugged at my shirt and said, "you should stay with me tonight." That lip bite drove me crazy. 

I nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It didn't bother me so much that Cammie wasn't ready to have sex, because I don't need that to be happy. It bothered me that she was so damn sexy all the time and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. 

As the party started getting more crowded, I started to get some alcohol into me. I was standing in the kitchen making myself a drink when I felt a hand on my waist. I just assumed it was Cammie, but I jumped when I turned and saw a brunette standing next to me. 

She leaned against the counter, "long time, no see, Shan. I've been missing your late night calls lately." She winked at me. She was just another girl that I had messed around with. 

She played with the hem of my shirt and allowed her hand to brush on my bare stomach. I shook my head, "nope, you can't do this." I spoke both to her and to myself. "I'm seeing someone, Brit," I gave her a stern look and pushed her hand away. 

Before she could attempt to pull me back in, I walked away, drink-in-hand. I walked straight over to Cammie who had definitely seen the whole thing, judging by the raised eyebrows she was giving me. "Nothing happened, I swear," I reassured her. 

"Oh I know, I was watching," she gave me a sarcastic smile. 

I had to laugh at her a bit. "It's cute when you're jealous," I whispered into her ear and kissed her cheek. 

I attached myself to Cammie for the rest of the night, and I don't think she minded the idea. It was cute when she got jealous, but I wasn't going to risk her getting mad by having other girls flirt with me. 

A few hours into the party, we were sitting around the living room talking to a couple other people. Meghan and Jess sat pretty close to each other on the couch. Everyone knew they were dating but they wouldn't admit it. Ally sat upright with Stevie's legs over hers. We exchanged a look. She nodded and gave me a bit of a smirk, so I knew the liquid courage worked. 

Cammie had had a few drinks, but she was hardly drunk at all. I could tell she wasn't really enjoying the party, which was probably because she felt like she had to babysit me around all these girls. Truth be told, I wasn't having fun either.

 I sat in a chair with Cam on my lap. I hand my hand placed softly on her thigh. I wasn't even really paying attention to where my hand was because we were all just talking. I noticed Cammie shift her body so I moved my hand a bit. I could tell it drove her crazy by the way her breathing hitched and she tensed her muscles, then she leaned down and whispered, "can we get out of here?" 

I nodded, getting up from my chair. She grabbed my hand and led me out my door, and into hers. She unlocked it and I followed, closing the door behind us. I grabbed her hand and spun her around, gently pushing her against the door. I didn't kiss her yet, I just stood with our faces nearly touching. She looked into my eyes and then down to my lips. She pressed them to hers, hard. 

We deepened the kiss almost immediately. I reached down to her thighs and picked her up, still pressed against the door. "I want you so bad, Cammie," I breathed out in between kisses. 

She didn't say anything, she just nodded. I carried her to her bedroom without detaching our lips. I probably knocked a few things over in the process. 

I gently laid her onto the bed, and hovered over her. She started to pull my shirt off, so I pulled away from the kiss. "Baby, are you sure?" I asked. 

She nodded, without looking at me. 

"Cam, look at me," I picked her chin up so we were eye-to-eye. "You can say no, we don't have to." 

"Just be easy with me," she whispered before reconnecting our lips. She picked up where she left off with removing my shirt. She pulled it off and let her hands explore my bare torso. I started to do the same with her. 

I pulled her shirt over her head and sat back for a moment, just admiring her. I didn't even realize it but I was smiling like an idiot. "What are you doing, you dork?" She laughed and hit my arm, bringing me back to reality. 

"You're just so perfect, Cammie," I said, leaning back down to kiss her. I moved to her neck, knowing I had hit her sweet spot when a soft moan escaped her lips. I kissed down her body, stopping to unhook her bra. Before I continued, I noticed she was covering her face with her hands. 

I pulled them from her face and intertwined our fingers, holding her hands above her head. "You don't have to close your eyes baby. Your body is perfect. You're perfect. You're an angel." I kissed her lips once more before moving to the hem of her pants. I gently pulled them down, making sure to kiss every inch of her body. 

I teased her for a few moments by kissing her inner thighs, which I could tell was killing her. "Shan, please," she begged. I listened. I inserted two fingers and heard her gasp. She moved her body in a soft rhythm against my fingers, letting out quiet moans. When I noticed her getting closer, I kissed down her body once more and let my tongue go to work. Her breathing sped up, "Shannon, fuck. Don't stop." I did what I was told until her breath hitched, her back arched, and then her body relaxed. 

I came back up to her lips, listening as her breathing steadied. "No one has ever made me feel the way you just did," she said in an almost-whisper. 

I kissed her forehead, "no one has ever made me feel the way you always do."

Cammie POV

I wake up to knocking at my door. I don't even get to enjoy that moment in the morning where Shannon sleepily pulls my body into hers and asks for five more minutes. This time, her naked body stirs awake and questions what the pounding noise is. 

"Someone's here," I said. I wasn't expecting any guests, so I was a little worried. 

Shannon obviously sensed that. She shot up out of bed and pulled her clothes on. "I'll get it," she said.

While she went out to answer the door, I dressed my naked body. I heard her open the door, "what the hell? What are you doing here?" 

"Shan who is it?" I yelled, getting kind of nervous. I pulled my shirt on as quick as possible and ran out. I froze when I saw her standing in the doorway. I seriously thought it was a nightmare. 

She scoffed, "well isn't this something?" She let out a devious laugh and shook her head, "this love triangle couldn't get any better. You couldn't do any better than Shannon Beveridge?" 

"What the hell are you talking about, Carly?" I questioned, "You two know each other?"


Everyone loves a good cliffhanger 😈😈

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