Chapter 27

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Shannon POV

Cammie nearly knocked me over when she burst through the door and into my arms. I was sure something had happened by the sound of her voice when she yelled my name, but the look on her face assured me everything was fine. The past two weeks had been a living hell. Having to sleep on the couch in our apartment and not being able to hold her. Thinking that I had actually cheated on her with some random girl. Having to see her blush every time I tried to flirt with her, but knowing I couldn't kiss her rosy cheeks afterwards. It was torture. So I'm sure you can imagine the feeling that went through my body when she hugged me. Just when she hugged me. My knees felt so weak I thought I would collapse. She held onto me like I was her missing piece. I finally felt like I was hers again, and that feeling was indescribable. 

"I miss you," she whispered. I could feel her lips move against my neck as she spoke. Her breath sent chills over my whole body. 

She picked her head up to look at me. She glanced between my lips and my eyes. I wanted so badly for her to do it, but I wanted her to want it, too. "Cammie," I said, softly. She could tell I was weak just from her touch. 

"Shh," she hushed me by pressing her lips against mine. It was perfect. Her lips felt perfect. 

At first it was soft. We didn't move our lips, we just let them feel each other. But then she pulled away and looked at me. Her eyes, I missed being that close to them. I watched an involuntary smile form on her lips and she tried to hide it by kissing me again. This time, harder. This time she thrust her body against mine and pushed me down onto the couch. My heart was pounding out of my chest. An hour ago I could have sworn she had left for good. I didn't think she was going to come back to me, I thought it had all become too much for her. 

Now, she was sitting on my lap making out on the couch with me like we were teenagers. We both breathed so heavily and gave each other sloppy kisses. "Take me to the bedroom," she demanded through breathy kisses. 

I didn't question her recently-developed dominance, I just nodded and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist like they were meant to be there. I carried her down the hallway, just like that. She didn't let my lips escape hers, and frankly, I didn't want her to. I stopped just before we got to our bedroom door. I pushed her back against the wall. I was still kissing her, but I couldn't stop smiling. It had almost turned into a laugh, but not like something was funny. It was the kind of laugh when something makes you so happy, but smiling isn't enough. 

"What?" She laughed back at me. 

I looked into her eyes, "it's just, do you know how much I've wanted to do this to you for the past couple weeks?" 

Her eyes widened. She smiled a devious smile and bit her lip. Fuck. With me still holding her against the wall, she leaned in so she could whisper in my ear. "Why don't you show me what else you've wanted to do to me," she kissed my neck, just below my ear. 

I couldn't even say anything, I just lifted her up and and took her into the bedroom. Then I did just as she told me. 

We rolled around in the bed for hours. I lost count of how many times we had sex, but we were exhausted. She laid next to me in the bed and fell asleep almost immediately after her head hit the pillow. She nestled into my side and I got chills feeling her skin against mine. I held on to her tight, like I was afraid to lose her again. I trailed my hand along her bare back. She shivered and I felt goosebumps form on her skin. I kept stroking her back and she stirred awake. She pulled her body up more so that her face was directly next to mine. With her index finger, she pulled my chin so that we were face to face. "Go to sleep, I'm not going anywhere," she told me and gave me a kiss. It was a passionate kiss. Her tongue just barely brushed my lip but it wasn't intended to be sexual. It was a reminder. A reminder that she's here, and she's mine, and she's not leaving.  I smiled into the kiss and she parted our lips, resting her head in the crook of my neck. It didn't take me long to fall asleep after that. 

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