Chapter 6

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Cammie POV

It felt as though there was an elephant on my head when I woke up. I could feel someone weighing down the bed next to me. Oh god, what did I do last night? When I opened my eyes I realized I was cuddled into someone's side. After studying further, I realized it was Shannon's. Embarrassed, I quickly moved away, hoping she wouldn't notice. Unfortunately for me, she was already awake. She was slightly leaning up against the headboard, reading a book. 

"Well good morning, princess," she laughed at me. "You looked pretty comfy, so I didn't want to wake you." 

I had too much of a headache to even care that I looked like a train wreck in front of her. I was wracking my brain, trying to figure out what happened last night, but after we got to the apartment everything is fuzzy. 

"What the hell happened last night?" I asked her, falling back into the bed. 

She cleared her throat and swung her legs over her side of the bed. "Well, we danced at the club. You started to get tired so I called an Uber. We got back to the apartment, Ally was asleep on the couch so you insisted that I sleep up here instead of on the floor. You took your clothes off so I put that on you," she pointed at the sweatshirt I didn't even realize I was wearing, "then you fell asleep. Nothing too exciting." She was getting clothes out of her closet now. "You don't remember anything?" She had hardly looked at me the whole time she spoke. 

She started changing. She took her shirt off, still facing the closet. She was wearing a Calvin Klein bra. "I uh- no, I- I don't," she wasn't even doing anything, but she was making me so nervous. 

"You don't have to get nervous, I was just asking," she turned around as she pulled her shirt over her head and smirked. I couldn't stop staring at her toned stomach. She had an outline of a six pack. 

She pulled her shirt down and probably caught me staring. She started walking to my side of the bed and I could feel my heart start racing. She slowly leaned over me and reached across the bed to grab her phone. When she did, her face got within inches of mine. So close I could feel her breath on my face. She paused for a second and looked at me, still with that confident, almost cocky look on her face. When she stood back up she gave me smug smile, "when you're ready, come down and we'll go grab some breakfast," she said before walking out of the bedroom. 

Something's gotten into her, she has to be not telling me about something that happened last night. Normally she's a flirt, but she's never this confident about it. I kinda liked it. 

Anyway, I decided to take a shower and get dressed. After all, breakfast sounded like a good idea. Hopefully IHOP. I woke up pretty late, so it was a little after two by the time I was ready. 

As I made my way out of Shannon's bedroom I could hear talking downstairs. It was Shannon and Amy, I think. I stopped to listen for a second after I had heard my name. 

"So you slept with her last night?" Amy asked. I couldn't tell if she was scolding Shannon or praising her. 

"No, it's not like that with her." Shannon replied, sounding a bit confused almost. 

"Well then what is it like, Shan?" Amy pushed. 

I heard a sigh from Shannon, and it sounded like she had flopped down onto the couch. I heard more footsteps, and a voice that sounded like Ally's. 

"Woah is Shan B catching feelings?" She sounded astonished, as if that were completely taboo for Shanon. Which, considering what little I knew about her previous love life, wasn't surprising. 

"Shut up, Als. You guys know that's not how I am. She's just different, I don't know. Like if something were to happen between us, I wouldn't want to just hook up with her. It wasn't like that with anyone else." I felt my heart flutter hearing what she had said. 

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