Chapter 3

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Shannon POV

I didn't see much of our new neighbor for most of the week, but I can't say that surprises me. I'm sure she's kept herself busy with moving in. She was cute, though. Part of me couldn't shake the image of her piercing green eyes out of my head. She intrigued me. 

Just as I did (almost) every night, I got ready to go to the gym. I put on a white cut-off t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. I pulled on some joggers over my shorts because it was starting to get chilly outside. I opened the door, and sure enough so did she. We nearly knocked into each other again, without even noticing the other was there. 

"We have to stop meeting like this," I chuckled a bit. 

"I have a feeling this won't be the last time," she giggled. That giggle. That was cute. 

I smiled at her. "You going to the gym, too?" I asked, looking over her outfit. She was wearing yoga pants, a tank top, and sneakers. I really didn't even need to ask. 

She nodded, "great minds think alike, I guess. After you." I opened the hallway door, gesturing her to walk through. I was doing it just to be polite, as I would with anyone, but she had a nice butt, too. 

She may not have caught me staring at her butt, but I definitely caught her staring at me while I was working out. About halfway through my workout I had taken my shirt off because I was sweating. When I was lifting, I got a glimpse of Cammie looking at me in the mirror. I smirked to myself. It's always so motivating when I see girls staring in the gym, but it's even more motivating when they're hot. I think she noticed that I saw her because she started blushing and looked away. I don't know what it is, but something about this girl is so cute, I can't get over it. 

On the way back from the gym I decided to stop at the pool and dip my feet in to cool off. It was around sunset so no one was really around. It was peaceful. Cammie stopped and sat with me, doing just as I did. 

"So tell me about yourself, Cam," I said, a bit open ended. She didn't seem to talk much, but I wanted to know about her. 

"I lived in Pittsburg growing up. I moved out here after college and lived with my former girlfriend." She paused and looked at me when she said that, almost as if to see my reaction. "I'm a business major, but I haven't quite settled into what that means for me yet. I'm just kind of going where the road takes me, I guess." She shrugged. "How about you?" 

"Dallas born and raised. I started to become a bit of an online presence when I moved here after college, but I stay a little more behind the scenes now. I live with my two roommates, you've probably seen them in passing. They're pretty cool, you should come meet them sometime." I tried to be subtle about inviting her over. 

She blushed a little bit. I guess subtle worked. "Yeah, that would be cool."

We talked a little more before heading back to our apartments. "See ya later, Cam." I shot her a wink before shutting my door. 

"Goodnight, Shannon," she laughed a bit. She was starting to come out of her shell, and I liked that. 

The next day was Saturday. It was nice out, so I went out and sat in the outdoor patio area. It was almost directly outside the door to our hallway. After a few minutes of peace and quiet, I hear the door open. People come and go all the time so I didn't even bother to check who it was, although I was secretly hoping it was Cammie. I hear wheels scraping the pavement, so I turn around. Cammie was dragging a suitcase behind her and carrying a bag full of clothes, I'm assuming, on her shoulder. I stood up and leaned against the fence.

"Wow. Leaving already? Jeez normally people last at least a month before moving it. This is a new record." I teased her. 

"Very funny," she lightly slapped my shoulder, "apparently the previous tenants left me a surprise; bedbugs. So I'm staying in a hotel for a few nights while the exterminator comes." She looked disgusted, and frankly I would too. 

"Gross. Can't say it surprises me, though. They were pretty nasty people." I told her. "But hey, you shouldn't pay for a hotel, we have plenty of room. You could stay with us if you'd like?" I offered as genuinely as possible. 

She hesitated for a moment, "are you sure your other roommates wouldn't mind? I mean they don't even know me." She said, which wasn't entirely true. I had told them all about her. 

"They won't mind at all, come on." I said, helping her with her bags. 

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