Chapter 19

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Cammie POV

The last few days have been insane trying to pack everything and move it all to the new place, but it is all so worth it. I never expected Shannon to ask me to move in with her, I just assumed that some day she would end up living in my apartment. I think I like this better though, this place is ours. We get to make it a home together. 

"Good morning," Shannon said, walking into our bedroom. 

She was already up and about and it was only like 9 in the morning. I thought I felt her slip out of bed a few hours ago, but I just thought she was getting up to use the bathroom. "How long have you been up?" I asked, groggily, while rubbing my eyes. 

She shrugged, "just a couple hours. I couldn't sleep" 

I brushed it off and got up. I threw on some pants and walked out into the living room to see that Shannon had unpacked everything. All the boxes were gone and the kitchen and living room were all organized. All of my books were lined up on the bookshelf along with pictures of Shan and I, and pictures with both of our families. The shelves in the kitchen were filled with all of our dishes and there was even a bowl of fruit in the middle of the counter. 

"Shannon did you really do all of this by yourself?" I asked in amazement. 

She smiled a proud smile, "sure did." 

"How did you manage to not wake me up?" 

She laughed, "Cam, unlike you, I know how to be quiet while moving." I frowned and she laughed even more. 

I woke up with a bit of a headache and my stomach not feeling well, so I laid down on our couch. 

"Everything okay?" Shan asked when she saw me. 

I scrunched my face, "my belly hurts," I said in a baby voice. 

She came and sat down on the couch so I could lay my head on her lap. She asked if I needed her to get me anything and told me I should take some medicine, she sounded so much like my mom. All I really needed was her to keep playing with my hair like she was. I felt myself start to doze off after a few minutes of it and eventually I fell completely asleep. 

After what seemed like an eternity, I woke up. It must have been around noon. My head was no longer on my girlfriend's lap but instead on a pillow. There was a glass of water, some advil, and a note laying on the floor next to the couch. The note read, "Cam, I had to run some errands. I'll be back soon, feel better babe." I could tell she was stressed out because she seemed flustered this morning. She did have a lot to do today with unpacking and shopping and helping Amy with the party, so I couldn't blame her. 

I had no idea what time she left, but Shan got back to the house around 2. She was carrying a bunch of grocery bags in both hands, out of breath from bringing them all the way from the car. "How are you feeling?" She asked while taking the food out of the bags. 

I shrugged. "Not really any different, just less tired. I think I might skip the party tonight," I said. 

She sighed, "Camm. It's our moving out party." 

"I know, but you should still go. I just don't feel like doing anything today," I reassured her. I did want to go, but not feeling like this. 

She looked a little sad at the idea of going without me, but she didn't say anything. She just sighed and continued putting the groceries away. She hadn't said much to me since she got home. She wasn't being mean or anything, she just wasn't very talkative. I still wasn't feeling well so she made me some soup and covered me over with a blanket. I pulled her down next to me when she did, "come cuddle me for a minute." 

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