Chapter 33

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Cammie POV

I thought just hearing Shannon tell me she was seeing someone else was hard. Seeing them together and watching her kiss Shannon tore my heart out. It only made it ten times worse that Emily was so nice. I couldn't hate her, no matter how badly I wanted to. Shannon blushed after her girlfriend kissed her. It made my heart hurt even more, because even I hardly ever made her blush. 

"She seems nice," I said after Emily left. 

Shannon nodded, "yeah, I'm sorry about this. This was probably a little uncomfortable for you." 

"A little," I said sarcastically and we both laughed. 

We really never got over the awkwardness at lunch, but we made small talk to avoid talking about anything having to do with us. It was more difficult than I imagined to talk about anything that didn't involve her and I, because she was literally all I had thought about. I figured the only way to stay off of that topic, was to ask her about her short film. I also did want to know more about it. 

"So your short film, what made you want to make that?" I asked, and I suddenly felt like this was an interview and not a lunch between to former 'soulmates'.

She shrugged, "I've always had an interest in sharing my story, it just never occurred to me to do it like that. I had to focus my energy on something these last six months, and that just happened to be it." Regardless of how badly I wanted to stay off that topic, it seemed inevitable. 

"I'm sorry," was all I said. 

She chuckled a little bit and then gave me a sad smile, "you don't have to keep apologizing. That look on your face is enough for me to know you're sorry." 

I got a little embarrassed because I forgot how well she could read my facial expressions. If she could tell how sorry I was, I'm sure it was easy for her to tell how jealous I was, too. I let the conversation die down after that, and not much was said again until we finished eating. 

"So, do you want me to take you home? I'm assuming Amy was your ride," Shannon pointed out, which I had completely forgotten. 

I nodded, "yes. That would be perfect, thank you." 

We left the restaurant and I got in her car. This felt strangely like it was a normal day for us. Like we were still together and we were heading back to our apartment after going on a date. 

"Uhh, I just realized I don't know where you live," Shannon said with an awkward laugh. I gave her direction to my apartment. It was a little bit of a drive from the restaurant, so I kind of felt bad, but I would take any excuse to spend time with her. 

"So your girlfriend," I started in and immediately regretted it. "How'd you two meet?" I needed to hear Shannon talk about her. I needed to know if she spoke of her the same way she used to about me. 

She shrugged like it wasn't important, "we just met at a bar, it was nothing big." She definitely didn't talk about her like she did about me. 

"How long have you guys been together?" Now I knew I was pushing it, but I had to know. 

She paused for a minute as if she didn't even really know the answer, "just a month or two."

I just nodded my head, not really knowing where to go from here. "Well, she seems nice and she's really pretty," I probably sounded petty as hell, but I just went with it. 

We were stopped at a red light so she looked over at me. "Yeah," she said quietly and held our gaze for a few seconds before realizing the light had turned green. 

A Happy Ending (Shannon and Cammie)Where stories live. Discover now