Chapter 4

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LA was hot. Maybe it's because the Pauls are here so devil decided to make LA home to him. You can even fry an egg on the road and it's October.

I didn't pack much. I didn't have much to pack anyways but Pam brought three suitcases with her.

"We are only here for 2 weeks," I said to her.

"They are gifts in there," she said.

"I'm sure the boys can get what they want," I said.

"I know," she said. "but a mom always loves to bring her boys something."

I didn't understand the look on her eyes. Maybe it's because I never seen it in my mom's but I recognize the sound of her voice. The sound of long for someone.

A Tesla stopped in front of us and Jake walked out of the car with Anthony. I knew some of their names. I did some research before I came here just to make sure I brought the right weapon with me if I need to.

"Mom!" Jake wrapped his arms around Pam and lifted her off her feet. Nathan was filming it and he smiled at me when he saw me.

"Hi," Anthony said to me before he reached for Pam and have her a hug too.

"You must be Thea," Antony said.

"I must be," I replied coldly.

"Okay," he said. "Hope in."

I sat at the back of the car and slide to the side so Nathan can't point the camera at me. I looked out the window and saw LA for the first time. Everyone looked like they were in a movie. I looked up and saw Jake looking at me thought the review mirror. There was something in his eyes I can't fathom.

We got to Jake's mansion and I almost lost my breath. The house was huge.

"Never seen anything this big?" Jake smirked.

"Jake, leave her alone," Pam said.

I went back to grab my bag but Anthony reached for it.

"I got it," he gave me a grin before taking it into his house.

"Pam!" Chance came out to say hi. "I'm sorry I didn't go to the airport. I just got back from set."

"Aw, my boys growing up," Pam smiled proudly.

"Who is this?" Chance spotted me.

"Mom's maid," Jake said. Pam slapped his stomach. "I was joking. I have meeting now. Boys, help my mom move in," he ordered and rushed back into the house.

The boys gave us a tour of the house and not going to lie, even they got lost a couple times.

"Sorry, we just moved in. Still need to get use to everything," Anthony said.

"You need a map," I said.

"I think she is right," Anthony chuckled.

"We only have one guess room," Chance said.

"That is okay. Thea and I can sleep on the same bed," Pam said then looked at me, "if that is alright."

"I don't mind," I answered her. Her face lit up and she head to the guess room. After we settle for a couple minutes, the door knocked.

"Erika!" Pam hugged her like a bear.

"Pam! I missed you."

"Me too," Pam said. Nick walked in later to say hi, followed by Tessa.

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