Chapter 6

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Logan stood at the door frame, completely covering it, crossing his arms and watched me with his unreadable expression.

Jake walked in later and furrowed.

"That was you?" he asked. The twins nodded first then Chance and Antony.

"That was dope!" Tessa said. "Can you sing too? Oh my god, you can sing!" she didn't wait for an answer. "Sing now!" she said.

"Wow, tiger," Chance said. "calm down."

My eyes didn't leave Logan's. He locked our glance then broke it by turning around and walking away.

"Can you please sing?" Tessa asked.

"What do you want me to sing?" I asked. Jake was out the door and so was Chance. Leaving only the twins and Antony.

"Anything," Tessa said.

I smiled and nodded. I did Miley Cyrus' "The Climb."

"Your Ohio roots are doing you good," Antony laughed when I was done. "Damn girl. That was amazing."

"Thanks," I said. Tessa was lost with words. The twins gave me two claps before returning to their cool selves. They were adorable, not going to lie and I can see myself tolerate them.

Pam walked in with a huge smile.

"You were great," she said.

"Wait, you heard?" I asked.

"I think the whole house did," Antony said and pointed to the speaker that was on.


"Why did you turn it on?" I asked.

"I didn't," Antony said.

Jake. He did it. I am going to put snakes in his bed when he sleeps.

"Come on," Pam said. "Logan is about to leave."

Antony and Chance helped us load the bags into his truck.

"Mom there's only room for one person," Logan said.

"Logan," Pam started.

"I didn't know you brought a lost puppy with you," he said. "Guess she has to walk there," he said, not looking at me.

"Logan," Pam warned.

"It's okay," Antony stepped in. "I'm going to the Journey. I can give her a ride," Antony said and jogged back to get the car. I went to the back of Logan's car to grab my bags but Logan was beside me like thunder. He grabbed my bag and threw them back into the truck.

"Lydia," he shouted. "get into Anthony's car."

"What?" Lydia looked surprised. Poor girl. She was 1/3 Logan size. I grabbed my bag anyways and although he was big, I was small and fast. I head towards Antony's car and opened the door. I slipped in and buckled up. Antony looked confused. When Logan shot him a look, he looked at Jake for directions.

Jake was watching in amusement.

"I just want her off my property. How she leaves, doesn't matter," he said then left.

Pam gave me an apologetic look and I nodded towards her before rolling the windows up. Antony started driving and I felt my eye lids gaining weight. Unable to fight them, I let sleep took over.

I woke up with a scream. Antony nearly turn his wheels and caused an accident.

"What the hell?" he looked at me with wide eyes. "What happened?"

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