Chapter 39

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Living in a peaceful and safe family, I know I can never understand she has gone through. The worst thing that ever happened to me was my parent's divorce but even then, I was okay with it. As long as my mom is happy, nothing else matters. I still get to see my dad and have to Christmases.

She has nothing. I realized that the day I got two Christmas was the day she lost everything all together.

I reached to touched her hand but she was still staring at the empty space in front of her. Her eyes were spaced out. She was shaking all of a sudden. From what I gathered, she was reliving memories in her head.

"Thea," I grabbed her waist and pulled her against my chest. She was shaking and breathing heavily.

"Thea, I'm here," I said. "You're okay."

She calmed down.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"For what? Don't be sorry." I said.

"hmm," she said lazily and lied on her pillow. I lied beside her, unsure what I was doing but I just wanted to.

We then started talking about everything and anything. We talked about the sky, the weather, the universe, and aliens. Yep, aliens. We talked about philosophy, karma, and Trump.

"The Rock makes a good president," she said.

"I don't know," I chuckled. "he might make a rule that requires everyone to workout 7 days a week."

"Everyone will be mini rocks," she laughed.

The sound of her laughing made me smile.

For the hours we were lying there talking and it was just us. A boy and a girl from Ohio.

She lied next to me, tired and sleepy, I pulled the covers over us and she rest her head against my arm.

"Until when?" she asked.


"When will this last?"

"I'm not following. Are you sleep talking?" I joked.

"Logan, I'm used to people walking out of my life," she said. "it's not new."

"I'm not leaving."

"Hm," she said lazily and rest her eyes. "just let me know in advance."

"You're not going anywhere," I said.

"Heard that before," she mumbled and yawned.

She fell asleep in my arms. I felt her small body resting on mine and how fragile she was yet still strong. She went thought so much but I can see the fire in her still was burning. I had a sudden urge to confront her mother and ask why she did the things she did. I made a note on my phone to call mom tomorrow but until then... we are just a boy and a girl from Ohio. 

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