Chapter 24

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I woke up without screaming for once. Logan's scent stained the bed sheets. He must have slept here last night. Was he the reason why I didn't get nightmares? Silly, probably not.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was glad that I didn't look like some of the extras from the walking dead.

I heard someone talking outside and Logan was loud. Guess he started his vlog already.

When I walked out the room, I saw a girl on Logan's lap. She was probably the same size as Lydia but had dark hair and beautiful accent.

"Come on Judy!" Logan was making a joke on his vlog and Judy was all on top of him. Evan turned and saw me but I land a finger on my lips and told him not to say anything. I went back into the room and turned on my laptop.

Emails were flooding in. Apparently, Tessa had the clip of me singing in one of her vlog and some records are asking I could come in and try out. It was weird and I texted Tony for Tessa's phone number to thank her.

When outside was finally silent, I heard a knock on my door. Evan walked in with his dog and sat across from me.

"Hey," he said casually.

"Hi," I replied.

"They left for a radio interview," he explained.

"You didn't tell him, right?" I said.

"No, but Judy is only a friend," he said.

"To him," I grinned.

"Yeah, to him," he said.

"And he hates me," I chuckled.

"He doesn't," Evan said.

"After he knows my story. What happened to not judge a book by its cover?" I said.

"Logan is very protective. He doesn't invite people in so quickly," he said.

"And it's right to do that to me," I nodded. "glad to know."

"That is not what I mean," he looked sad.

"I know," I said. "I'm sorry," I said.

A couple hours past and I heard Logan come back. The someone knocked the door and I heard George.

"Dude! Where have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages," George said.

"Sorry bro," Logan said. "Lot's going on."

"No joke. I saw this girl the other day and she was dope," George replied.

"Yeah?" Logan chuckled.

"She has green eyes and man, she is sassy," he laughed.

"You got her number?" Logan asked.

"No. I went to the grove evenlight to see if I can find her, but she isn't there," he sound disappointed.

"Damn, that sucks," Logan said.

"Yeah and her name is Thea," he said.

"What the actual fuck?" Logan snapped.

"What?" George sound terrified.

I stepped out the door and both of them looked at me.

"Wait, why are you here?" George said.

When both me and Logan didn't say anything, he pieced them together.

"Logan is your stepbrother?" his brown eyes widen. "Your stepsister is Thea?" he looked at Logan. Logan! Why didn't you tell me little sister is in town?" George walked up to me and gave me a hug, lifting me up the floor.

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