Chapter 26

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I woke up with a shock of breath. I looked around me and saw Logan fallen asleep at an arm chair next to my bed. My head was still hurting. My hands reached for his without me consciously knowing it until my fingers hit his warmth.

Logan shook awake. He looked sleepy, but he squeezed my cold fingers and I felt settled.

"Hey," he said gently.

"Hey," I managed.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Like someone just knocked me out with a hammer," I said.

"Honesty. I like that. It's what glue a relationship," he chuckled.



"What relationship?" I asked. My voice was shaking.

Logan looked at me and we share glances.

"Siblings," he said. "brother and sister."

My heart sank for what reason I don't know. I forced a smile and tried to sit up.

"Damn it Thea, what are you doing?"

"I feel like my back is burning," I said.

"Let me help," he said and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up effortlessly.

"You don't have to stay all night," I said.

"Where else would I be?" he smirked.

"Home," I said. "Go sleep in your mansion. I'll be fine," I said.

"You keep saying that you are fine but it's immune to me," he replied.

"First day moving in, and you are not going to sleep in your own bed?" I asked.

"I have plenty of time to sleep in my mansion so drop it, Thea," he said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Hospital chair is comfortable," he protested.

"Come here," I scooted over, leaving enough space for him to lie down.

"Want me in bed already, huh?" he laughed. "Got to do better than that."

"I remember you being pretty easy," I teased.

"And when was that?" he asked sitting next to me in bed.

"Well let's go back to middle school with that girl, what was her name?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," he blushed.

"Abby," I said. "Then in high school, there were two girls. Best friends in fact," I said.

"You seemed to be really observant of my sex life," he said, leading closer. My air way tightens, and I stare into his eyes. We froze and held each other silently.

"Wait, you were never around. How did you know about all this?" he asked, breaking what we had.

"I was always around, Logan," I left my eyes fall. "I always came back but-" I paused.

No one was there for me. Mom was drunk. Boys were in the house. I had nowhere to go. Sleep was not an option if I didn't want to wake up raped. I snuck out once or twice and look at them from far. Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, homecoming, prom, and even when Jake broke his arm and threw a party. They were living a life while I was slowly fading away from mine.

"Why didn't you knock on the door and tell us?" he asked.

"The last time I was in your house, you told me you would rather see me dead," I said.

His face hardens like I just slapped him in the face.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"It's okay. You said what I couldn't. I would rather see me dead then go through what I did," I said. "I don't blame you, Logan. Or Jake."

"Don't say that," he said.


"Don't say you would rather be dead," he said. "I don't want you gone, Thea. You are mine and you are staying here with me. Your mom won't hurt you anymore. She can't, and I won't let her."

I didn't know what to say but my arms threw around his neck and I buried my face in his chest.

"Be my anchor tonight," I whispered.

He pats my back gently. Like how a brother would for a sister. I suddenly felt sick of myself. I let go gently.

"Go to bed, Thea. We can go home tomorrow," he said.


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