Chapter 22

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I sat by the hot-tub and sank my legs in it.

"So, have you made your channel yet?" Tessa asked.

"I think I want to take some class and-"

"Class?" Erika asked. "you don't need to be taught. Trust me. Your voice is like Ariana Grande," she said.

"Hey!" Tony walked towards us with the boys.

"Hey you," I smiled.

One of the twins smiled to me and sat next to me while the other was still on his phone.

Tristan told us some jokes and everyone feed into it. It was nice and warming seeing them so happy together.

We walked back to the house together and suddenly, Jake ran right towards us and I realized he was running towards me. He picked me up and twist me around.

"Jake, put her down," Logan warned.

"I'm so sorry," Jake whispered.

"For what?" I asked.

"For being mean," Jake put my down but still wrapped his arms around me. "You said put her down, not leave her alone. You are glue to me, sister."

"Not a chance," Logan said and grabbed Jake's hand, pushing him off me.

"Okay. I was just showing her some love," Jake said.

"Are we missing something?" Tony asked. "I want a hug too."

"I'm not giving you any," Jake said.

"Not from you, bro," he laughed. He pulled me into his arms now.

"Hands off," both Logan and Jake said.

"You guys need to stop throwing me around," I took a step back.

"Sorry," Tony said and let me go.

"Ready to go home?" Logan offer his hand.

I looked in his eyes and saw what I hate most. Pity.

"Come," Logan took my hand and we went back to his car.

"Hey," Pam pulled me into a hug. "I'll stay here with Jake tonight. You should get some sleep on the bed."

She knew.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she smiled.

When we got back to the W, I kept a distance between us. When we got to his pent house, the house was empty. Evan must have gone to bed and the crew have left.

"Thea," Logan called out before I head to my room.

"Don't," I said.

"What?" he looked confused.

"If you are being nice because of a scar, then I'll pass on the friendship request."

"Thea," Logan started. "I am nice to you not because of what you have been though," he said. "you are a fighter and I am sorry for what Jake and I had done. We were wrong, Thea," Logan said. "I can't take anything back but I promise I will be here for you. Anything you need."

His eyes locked mine. I felt my heart sank to the deep ocean. Damn his eyes for being so perfect. I gathered myself and head back to my room. I sank onto the bed and felt so tired that sleep came to me quickly.

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