Chapter 37

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The next morning, I heard Tony running down the hall. I was already up but I didn't know he walks up this early. I heard something like a punch down the hall. My skin crawled.

I knew that sound way too well.

Heart racing, I got up and peeked down the hall. I spotted Matt, the trainer I bumped into when I was wondering out on LA streets the first week I was here. Why was he here?

Curious, I walked in and saw the boys training.

"Hey, you," Matt said.

"You know my sister?" Jake asked.

"Met her once. She is your sister?"

"Step-sister," I noted.

"Want to join us?" Tony asked.

"Uhm," I hesitated.

"It'll be fun," Kade said.

Two hours later, I could only feel my legs, the rest of my body did not exist.

"Leg day," Tony lied beside me. "Best day ever," he said.

"You are weird," Kade said.

"You know, I am impress," Matt said. "I didn't think you could keep up with the boys."

"We are from Ohio!" Jake shouted a little too loud at 7 in the morning.

I don't know what has gone into me but I knew what has driving though it. The thought of my mother and the man she invited into our house made my inside turn. I was punching the bags but mentally punching my way through the memories.

"Will you be here everyday?" I asked.

"She wants more," Kade laughed.

"Every other day," Matt said. "but the gym is always open. You can come anytime you want."

"Okay," I nodded.

"Be careful boys," Matt chuckled. "this one is onto something."

After taking shower, I realized my phone had more than 31 missed calls from Logan. He sent me a couple text and I hesitated to read them but curiosity won over.

Thea, what is wrong?

Come home, Thea.

Are you mad at me?

Thea. Don't ignore my calls.

Thea. I am driving over there tomorrow morning, if you don't reply me.

My heart raced.

I'm coming.

That was his last text about 20 minutes ago. I jumped out go my bed and raced downstairs. I opened the door and ran straight into a solid chest. He caught me before I fell backwards.

"Hey, brother," Jake walked down the stairs. "This look like a Hallmark movie," he laughed and I made a mental note to pour maple syrup in his shower.

"Morning, Jake," Logan said but his eyes were still on me. "I'm taking Thea home today."

"No, you're not," I said.

"Thea," he started.

"I promised, Erika," I said.

"They are going to New York tomorrow. Let me take you home and you can hang out with Erika when she comes back," Logan said.

I looked back at Jake but he just smiled. I am going to add ketchup in his shower too. Jake left to grab breakfast in the kitchen, leaving us alone.

"I know it wasn't Erika," Logan said.


"I'm not buying it. You are hiding something. Tell me what is wrong," he said.

"Logan-" I started.

"Not here," he said. "Get your things and let's go home," he said.

I sigh. I was fighting a losing battle here.

Once in his car, we sat there in silent at Jake's drive way.

"Was it something I said?" he asked.

"Why would you think that?"

"Cause you are avoiding me," he said.

"I'm not Logan," I said. "I came to LA to do music." Not fall in love and get my heart broken, I didn't add.

"Then do music," he said.

"Logan, you know how hard it is to be in this industry. I am nobody. I need to start somewhere."

"Being a ghost writer does not bring you anywhere."

"It's not always about getting name, Logan. I want to learn and understand how things works."

"You can do that. I am not against it. It is just-" he paused. "I don't know. You were crying yesterday and I can't concentrate on set and-" he mumbled on. "I felt guilty."

"For what?"

"For making you sad, I don't know," he said.

My heart cracked a little.

"I wasn't sad," I said.


"No," I said. "confused. Yes. Everything is different here," I said. "I don't have to have 7 locks at my door. I don't have to hide when I hear men coming into the house. I don't have to worry about next meal or if tomorrow I will wake up with new bruises. Sometimes, I pinch myself just to see if this is a dream because something like this doesn't happen to a girl like me."

I stopped when I saw Logan balling his hand into a fist.

"It's nice here," I said. "Peaceful. You gave me everything," I said and looked at him. I locked his glance, hoping he could accept the partial truth.

"A girl like you deserve more," he said. He reached for my hand and rubbed my knuckles gently. "You haven't told me fully what happened to you back in Ohio," he added. "I want you to know you can tell me."

"If I tell you, I'll have to kill you," I chuckled.

"I've achieved so much in life already, I'll die happy," he grinned. "I'll bring your secret to the grave," he added with a wink.

A couple butterflies escaped.

He leaned in and I froze. His lips were inches from mine but barely touching. Our eyes were locked. My whole body felt like a wildfire.

His hand wrapped around my waist and slowly pulled me closer.

Just as our lips brushed onto each other, his phone rang. He growled and pulled out his phone.

"Jeff, this better be good," he said between his teeth.

I tuned out of his phone conversation. What just happened?

My heart was racing so fast it hurts when it beats in my chest. When I felt his gentle fingers touching mine, I moaned. My fear dissolved, and my shaking body melt away from the heat.

I was damned. 

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